1. British-American Hotel 2. International Hotel 3. Dominion Bank 4. Canadian Bank of Commerce |
1. C. C. Ambery 2. H. A. Springle 3. S. C. Robinson 4. Dr. C. W. Hoare |
1. Canadian Bank Of Commerce 2. Merchants Bank Of Canada 3. The Home Bank Of Canada 4. King Edward School 5. Walker Power Building 6. St. Edward's Separate School |
1. D. M. Ferry Co. 2. Windsor Pearl Button Co. 3. Windsor Paper Box Co. 4. White Machine Co. 5. Remington Arms Co. 6. Geo. H. Rundle And Son 7. Palmer Medical Co. 8. Heller-Aller Co. 9. Seely Mfg. Co. 10. Windsor Boiler Works 11. Kent Canning Co. |
1. Dale Iron Works 2. McCord Manufacturing Co. 3. Kerr Engine Works 4. Tate Electric Works 5. Malleable Iron Works 6. Gramm Motor Works |
1. Davis Block 2. Bell Telephone Bldg 3. Manning Block 4. Victoria Block And Imperial Bank 5. Curry Hall Bldg 6. Labelle Block |
1. E. G. Henderson 2. A. D. Bowlby 3. H. E. Guppy 4. Dr. P. A. Dewar (Right) C. W. Cadwell (Left) 5. W. C. Kennedy |
1. Grand Trunk Railway Transport 2. The Armories 3. M. C. R. Tunnel 4. C. P. R. Depot |
1. Grinnell Brothers 2. Geo. R. White And Son 3. McLean Lumber Co. 4. Windsor Auto Sales Agency |
1. Harrington E. Walker 2. E. C. Walker 3. Hiram H. Walker 4. Harry Dingwall |
1. Hotel Dieu 2. Collegiate Institute 3. City Hall 4. Home For The Friendless |
1. Lincoln Road Methodist 2. Lady Of Lake St. Clair, R. C. At Ford 3. St. Anne, R. C. 4. Presbyterian |
1. Lufkin Rule Co. 2. Hupp Motor Car Co. 3. Canadian Postum Cereal Co. 4. Canadian Moloney Electric Co. 5. Windsor Machine And Tool Co. |
1. McGregor Banwell Fence Co. 2. Anthony Wire Fence Co. 3. Walkerville Hardware Co. 4. Lake Erie Coal Co. Docks at Rondeau 5. Canadian-Detroit Lubricator Co. |
1. National Spring And Wire Works 2. Penberthy Injector Co. 3. Canadian Roofing Co. 4. The J. H. Bishop Co. |
1. Page Wire Fence Co. 2. Fisher Body Co. 3. Parke Davis And Co. 4. Peabody And Leather Label Overall Co. |
1. R. Weber's Bakery 2. H. H. Parsons Realty Co. 3. Windsor Truck And Storage Co. 4. Thompson Bros. |
1. Robert Henkel 2. E. L. Thompson 3. Walter L. McGregor 4. J. Henry H. Ling |
1. S. A. Griggs 2. Chas. S. King 3. Chas T. Miller 4. H. B. Parsons |
1. Universal Car Agency 2. Leggett And Platt Spring Bed Co. 3. Horton Cato Co. 4. Fox Bros. And Co. |
1. W. J. McKee 2. W. J. Burns 3. J. A. McKay 4. Soper & Dupuis Real Estate Office |
1095 Goyeau Street, Looking North, August 1951 |
1274 St. Luke Road, Looking North, April 1961 |
1957 Ford Monarch At The Royal Windsor Garage, 334-336 Dougall Avenue, August 1958 |
2090 Iroquois Street, September 1960 |
21st Reg. Essex Fusiliers, Windsor, Canada |
254 McDougall Street, March 1960 |
255 Sterling Crescent |
29 Park Street, February 1961 |
321 Church Street, December 1957 |
3418 Sandwich Street West April 1952 |
342 Park Street West, May 1958 |
353 Riverside Drive East, Looking East, January 1961 |
353 Riverside Drive East, Looking West, January 1961 |
386 Devonshire Rd, Walkerville, Ont. |
386 Devonshire Rd, Walkerville, Ont. [Back] |
3879 Riverside Drive East, Looking East, June 1951 |
3879 Riverside Drive East, Looking West, June 1951 |
504 Victoria Avenue July 1960 |
568 AND 572 Pelissier Street, May 1960 |
75 London Street East, February 1955 |
790 Hanna Street East, Looking Southwest Towards The Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East and Howard Avenue, April 1954 |
806 Assumption Street May 1961 |
A Corner Of The Library 1942 |
A. Fox Stage Coach |
A. H. Hebert Gents Furnishings |
A. Marshall Foundry |
Abie's Delicatessen 566 Wyandotte Street East March 1961 |
Administration Building Entrance, Passenger Car And Motor Plants, Chrysler Corporation Of Canada Limited, Windsor, Ontario |
Administration Building, Chrysler Corporation of Canada Ltd., Windsor, Canada |
Aerial View Of Detroit, Mich., From Windsor, Ontario, Canada. |
Aerial View Of Industrially Zoned Area, Sandwich East Township |
Aerial View Of The Ambassador Bridge Showing The Heavy Traffic, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Aerial View Of The Downtown Windsor-Detroit River Front Developments |
Aerial View Of The Ford Motor Company Factory, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Aerial View Of The Township Of Sandwich West Industrial Park |
Aerial View Of University Of Windsor Campus Looking North 1946 |
Aerial View Of University Of Windsor Campus Looking South 1964 |
Aerial View Of Windsor During The Royal Visit Of 1959 |
Aerial View Of Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Aerial View Of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Detroit River And City Of Detroit In The Background |
Airport Terminal Building. Windsor, Ontario, Canada. |
Airport Windsor, Ontario Canada |
Airport, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Airview Of Assumption College Showing Campus Buildings And Assumption Park 1945 |
AKO Fratmen Football Champions |
Al Edwards Running For Windsor Collegiate Institute |
Alexander Bartlet's House |
All Saints English Church, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
All Saints Episcopal Church, Windsor, Canada |
Alley And Parking Lots Behind The South Side Of University Avenue West, Looking East From Church Street To Dougall Avenue, May 1958 |
Alley Running Behind Church Street, From Chatham Street West To University Avenue West, Looking South, May 1958 |
Alleyway Behind Sandwich Street East, Looking East Towards Goyeau Street, August 1957 |
Alleyway Behind The West Side Of Goyeau Street, Looking North Towards Sandwich Street From Pitt Street East, August 1957 |
Altar Close Up |
Altar, St. Mary's Church |
Alumni Association President 1927-1928 |
Alumni House |
Alvin Apartments, 286 Pitt Street West, June 1958 |
Ambassador Auditorium, University Centre, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge |
Ambassador Bridge 1965 |
Ambassador Bridge And Assumption Church, Windsor, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge and Park, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge At Night About 1930 |
Ambassador Bridge At Night, Sandwich, Ont., Near Windsor, Ont. |
Ambassador Bridge Between Detroit, U.S.A., and Windsor, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge Canadian Customs And Immigration, October 1956 |
Ambassador Bridge Connecting Detroit And Windsor. Detroit Windsor Tunnel |
Ambassador Bridge Connecting Detroit, Mich. And Windsor, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Anchorage Grillage And Eyebars Before Placing Concrete |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Attaching The Floor System To The Suspender Ropes |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Cable Spinning Plant |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Cable Strands Attached To Anchorage |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Compacting The Separate Strands Into The Finished Cable |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Erection Of Main Towers |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Footwalks And Cable Spinning Equipment |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Laying Asphalt Surface |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Raising The First Footwalk Cable |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Top Of Main Tower Showing Four Completed Strands In Place In The Saddle Casting |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Wrapping The Completed Cable With A Protective Wire Covering |
Ambassador Bridge Looking South October 1949 |
Ambassador Bridge Over Detroit River, Detroit, Mich. |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction From The Roof Of Assumption Church |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction, Canadian Side |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction, From Waterfront |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction, From Wyandotte Street Looking North |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction, Looking North From London Street |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction, Looking Northeast From Sandwich Street |
Ambassador Bridge Windsor, Ont. Canada |
Ambassador Bridge, Connecting Detroit, Mich., And Sandwich, Ont. |
Ambassador Bridge, Detroit To Windsor. |
Ambassador Bridge, Detroit, Mich. |
Ambassador Bridge, Detroit, Mich. Windsor, Canada. |
Ambassador Bridge, Detroit, Michigan |
Ambassador Bridge, Detroit, Michigan, Windsor, Ontario |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Canada To Detroit, Mich. |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Canada To Detroit, U. S. A. |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Canada to Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Canada To Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Canada to Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Canada to Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ont. |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ontario, Canada [From Detroit Looking East] |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ontario, Canada [From Windsor Looking North] |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. 17. |
Ambassador Bridge. Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Ambassadors Of Good Will |
American Auto Trimming Company, Limited |
Andros Restaurant and Coffee Shop |
Andy's Light Lunch, 212 Wyandotte Street East, January 1954 |
Anglican Young People's Association |
Angus McIntosh |
Anna Lee Outside Barber Shop On Chilver |
Another Aerial View Of University Of Windsor Campus Looking South 1946 |
Another Cup Won By Walker Sons Corn |
Antilope |
Antiquity At Sandwich The Old Jesuit Huron Mission House |
Approach And Entrance To Detroit River Tunnel, Detroit, Mich. |
Argo |
Armouries, Windsor, Canada, 1905 |
Armouries, Windsor, Canada. |
Armouries, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1905 |
Armouries, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1924 |
Army Barracks At Assumption College 1945 |
Army, Navy, And Air Force Veterans Club, 1014 Tecumseh Road East, July 1959 |
Army, Navy, And Air Force Veterans Club, 1014 Tecumseh Road East, November 1960 |
Arrest Warrant County Of Essex 1863 |
Arrow Motel |
Arrow Pharmacy, 1190 Wyandotte Street West, April 1961 |
Arrow Tools, 1501 Crawford Avenue, April 1957 |
Artist's Painting Of New Auditorium Building |
Arts Classroom; The Senior Study |
Ashton's Motel |
Ashton's Motel, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Ashton's Motel. Windsor, Ont., Can. |
Assumption (R.C.) College, Sandwich 1893 |
Assumption Chapel And Assumption Church |
Assumption Church |
Assumption Church 1920 |
Assumption Church And Grounds |
Assumption Church And The Ambassador Bridge Under Construction |
Assumption Church Looking North |
Assumption College 1875 |
Assumption College 1915 |
Assumption College About 1905 |
Assumption College Administration Buildings |
Assumption College And High School 1952 |
Assumption College Baccalaureate Day, May 1923 |
Assumption College Baseball Team c1931 |
Assumption College Basketball Team 1943-1944 |
Assumption College Basketball Team 1946-1947? |
Assumption College Basketball Team 1948-1949? |
Assumption College Basketball Team in St. Paul, Minnesota, May 19, 1949 |
Assumption College Basketball Team Versus The Victoria Dominoes May 1946 |
Assumption College Campus 1928 |
Assumption College Campus And Assumption Church 1928 |
Assumption College Campus In Winter 1930 |
Assumption College Campus Looking North 1945 |
Assumption College Campus Looking North 1953 |
Assumption College Campus Looking South 1955 |
Assumption College Campus Northwest Corner, ca. 1930 |
Assumption College Campus South 1930 |
Assumption College Campus South Walkway 1930 |
Assumption College Campus, c1945 |
Assumption College Development Plan 1949 |
Assumption College Dramatic Arts Production, ca. 1925 |
Assumption College Football Players |
Assumption College From Ambassador Bridge, Sandwich, Ontario. |
Assumption College Front View 1920 |
Assumption College Graduates Walking South On Huron Church Road |
Assumption College High School Library 1939 |
Assumption College Hockey Team 1922 |
Assumption College Library New Location 1949 |
Assumption College Library Reference 1954 |
Assumption College Looking Northeast |
Assumption College Old Building, c1945 |
Assumption College South Campus 1922 |
Assumption College, Sandwich Near Windsor, Ont., Canada, ca. 1936 |
Assumption College, Sandwich, Canada 1910 |
Assumption College, Sandwich, near Windsor, Canada |
Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. 1924 |
Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont., Canada 1925 |
Assumption College, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Assumption College, Windsor, Canada |
Assumption College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1928 |
Assumption College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada-16. 1928 |
Assumption High School |
Assumption High School |
Assumption Library 1941 |
Assumption Lounge, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Assumption Mission House |
Assumption Of The Future 1957 |
Assumption R. C. College, Sandwich, Near Windsor, Ont., Canada 1923 |
Assumption St. School, Windsor, Canada. |
Assumption University Campus 1962 |
Assumption University Campus Looking Northeast 1959 |
Assumption University Library At Night 1958 |
Assumption University Library First Floor Looking North 1959 |
Assumption University Library First Floor Looking South 1962 |
Assumption University Library Floor Plans 1958 |
Assumption University Library Looking North 1958 |
Assumption University Library, Looking South Towards The Circulation Desk And Entrance 1958 |
Assumption University, Windsor, Ontario |
Assumption's First Roomers |
Assumption's New Building |
At Work On The New Buildings |
Athletic Field |
Atop C&O. Walker Road And Wyandotte |
Auto Specialties Manufacturing Company (Windsor) |
Automobile Stolen |
Automobile Stolen 2 |
B. A. Gas Station, 4690 Tecumseh Road East, Exterior 1, June 1961 |
B. A. Gas Station, 4690 Tecumseh Road East, Exterior 4, June 1961 |
Baby House Tavern 1683 College Avenue, December 1958 |
Baby Mansion |
Baby Park Camp, Windsor, Canada |
Baby Park Tourist Court, Highway 3B, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Back Alley Behind Riverside Drive East, Looking East, Between Windsor Avenue And McDougall Street, September 1956 |
Back Of Dairy Queen, 2498 Wyandotte Street West, July 1960 |
Badminton And Bowling Gang At Sunnyside |
Badminton Club And Bowling Gang At Sunnyside |
Badminton Gang |
Bali-Hi Motor Hotel |
Band Of Walpole Indians |
Bank Of Montreal, 1799 Wyandotte Street East, Exterior 2, June 1959 |
Bank Of Montreal, 1799 Wyandotte Street East, Exterior 2, September 1959 |
Bank Of Montreal, 1799 Wyandotte Street East, Exterior 3, June 1959 |
Bank Of Montreal, 1799 Wyandotte Street East, Interior 1 Entrance, June 1959 |
Bank Of Montreal, 1799 Wyandotte Street East, Interior 1, June 1959 |
Banks Of The Border Cities, Ont., Canada |
Barbara King |
Barney Benoit On Horse |
Bartlet Family |
Baseball Game At Assumption College |
Baseball Team Of 1887 |
BCD Softball Team |
Beautiful Botanical Gardens |
Beaver House |
Beaver Pool Motel |
Bedford Street and Court House, Sandwich, Ont., Canada |
Bedford Street, Sandwich, Canada |
Behind The Grand Central House Hotel, Riverside Drive East, September 1956 |
Belle Island Pleasure Boat, Detroit, Mich. |
Beneficial Finance Company Interior 1 29 Park Street West February 1961 |
Beneficial Finance Company Interior 2 29 Park Street West February 1961 |
Bennett Glass Company, 1004 Walker Road, November 1958 |
Benny The Tailor, 116 Pitt Street East, November 1951 |
Bernard Cleaners Exterior, 415 Shepherd Street West, December 1959 |
Bernie Newman At Home With Ernestine Russell And Sisters? |
Bernie Newman Fixing Ernestine Russell's Rollerskate |
Berry Bros. |
Bertrand's Cartage Truck Parked On Josephine Avenue, November 1959 |
Better Ideas Come From Ford. 1968 Mustang 2+2 Fastback. |
Big Bear Super Markets, 279 Chatham Street East, Exterior 1, January 1956 |
Big Bear Super Markets, 279 Chatham Street East, Exterior 2, January 1956 |
Big Pete, Section Foreman. Lunchtime At The C&O Depot, Devonshire Road, Walkerville |
Bill Wigle |
Bindery 1975 |
Biology Building |
Bird's Eye View Looking West, Windsor, Canada |
Bird's Eye View Of Ouellette Avenue From Post Office, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Bird's Eye View Of Windsor, Canada, 1908 |
Bird's Eye View Of Windsor, Ont. |
Bird's Eye View Of Windsor, Ontario |
Bird's Eye View, Windsor, Canada |
Bird's Eye View, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Bird's-Eye View Of Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada 1915 |
Bishop Fallon |
Bishop's Palace, Sandwich |
Board Of Education Building, 451 Park Street West, January 1954 |
Board Of Education For The City Of Windsor Prior To Amalgamation |
Boarders Dining Room |
Boat Club House, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Boer War Memorial, Jackson Park, Windsor, Canada. |
Book Stacks, Leddy West Building 2000 |
Book Store |
Boose's Cottage Tourist Camp |
Boose's Cottage Tourist Camp And City Of Windsor Tourist Camp |
Boose's Cottage Tourist Camp, Windsor, Ont. |
Border Cities Bathing Beach |
Border Cities Soft Ball League |
Border Cities Technical School |
Border Cities, Ont., Canada |
Border Line "Fleetway" Detroit-Windsor Tunnel |
Bosco Taillon Walking From Montreal To Windsor, Canada, 585 Miles |
Bosco, The Walker, Sporting A Five Week Growth, 1954 |
Bottling Works Building |
Bowling Banquet Auto Specialties Manufacturing Company |
Boy Scouts Pinning Corsages On Women |
Boys Diving Off The Pilings At The Old Walkerville Ferry Slip |
Boys' Choir |
Bridge Between Detroit and Windsor. |
Bridge Over Canadian Pacific Railway At 800 Block Of Wyandotte Street West, April 1957 |
Bridge Over Canadian Pacific Railway At 800 Block Of Wyandotte Street West, Looking Southwest, April 1957 |
Bridge, Tunnel, And Ferry Between Detroit And Windsor, Ont. |
Bridgeview Subdivision Under Construction 1, June 1951 |
Bridgeview Subdivision Under Construction 2, June 1951 |
Bridgeview Subdivision Under Construction 3, June 1951 |
British American Hotel, 4 Riverside Drive East, Side And Back View, July 1959 |
British Methodist Episcopal Church |
British Methodist Episcopal Church Front View |
British Methodist Episcopal Church Side View |
British Troops On Assumption Campus During The Fenian Raids |
British-American Brewing Company, Limited [Exterior] |
British-American Brewing Company, Limited [Interior] |
Bruce Avenue Baptist Church, Windsor, Canada. |
Bruce Avenue, Looking North, From Between Pine Street And Erie Street, June 1950 |
Builder For Walker Family? |
Building The Ambassador Bridge |
Burlington-Windsor Blanket Company, Ltd. |
Burnside |
Business Picks Up In The Library At Exam Time 1951 |
C. A. Chilver Co. Ltd. Baseball Team |
C. Durdin, Confectioner, 31 Sandwich St., Windsor, Ont. |
C. H. Smith Company Ltd. Store, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.P.R. Car Ferries, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.P.R. Car Ferries, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.P.R. Depot, Windsor, Can. |
C.P.R. Station, Windsor, Canada |
C.P.R. Station, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.V. Waters (clerk of City of Windsor), Clara and Gladys Johnson, 1920 |
C&O Engine Coming From Catalano |
Cadillac Motel |
Cadillac Motel |
Cadillac Motel |
Cadillac Street Looking North, From Just South Of Charles Street, May 1951 |
Cadwell's Limited |
California Avenue At The Essex Terminal Railway Tracks, Looking North, January 1957 |
Cameron And Thorburn, 1870 |
Cameron Myers In A Fighter Plane |
Cameron Myers Talking To Fellow Officers |
Cameron Myers, Age 14 |
Camp, S. H. And Company Of Canada Limited |
Campus Recreation |
Canada Building And Prince Edward Hotel, Ouellette Street, Windsor, Ontario, 1937 |
Canada Building And Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ontario, 1937 |
Canada Building, Windsor, Ont., Canada 1930 |
Canada Building, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1935 |
Canada Customs Building At The Tunnel, October 1956 |
Canada Post Card 1885 |
Canada Service Store, 131 Wyandotte Street East, July 1958 |
Canada Shore Foot Of Lake St. Clair |
Canada Welcomes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II And H. R. H. Prince Philip |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, 415 Devonshire Road, Interior 2, November 1952 |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, 415 Devonshire Road, Interior 3, November 1952 |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, 415 Devonshire Road, Interior 7, November 1952 |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, Walkerville, Ont. |
Canadian Bridge Company |
Canadian Bridge Company, Walker Road Looking North, November 1950 |
Canadian Club Distillery Of Hiram Walter And Sons At Walkerville, Canada. |
Canadian Club Whisky Offices Near Windsor, Canada |
Canadian Dredge And Dock Company, Medbury Lane West, March 1955 |
Canadian Entrance To M.C.R. International Tunnel, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Canadian Food Products Limited, 1696 Drouillard Road, June 1956 |
Canadian Indoor Baseball Champions |
Canadian Industries Limited And The Canadian Salt Company, 4016 Sandwich Street West, March 1955 |
Canadian Lamp And Stamping Company |
Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive No. 2200 |
Canadian Pacific Railway Station, Windsor, Canada |
Canadian Pittsburg Industries, 1160 Central Avenue, Exterior 1, April 1958 |
Canadian Pittsburg Industries, 1160 Central Avenue, Exterior 2, April 1958 |
Canadian Postum Cereal Company, Windsor, Ontario. |
Canadian Salt Co. Chemical Plant. Sandwich |
Canadian Salt Co. Salt Works. Windsor |
Canadian Salt Company, 30 Prospect Avenue, November 1960 |
Canadian Sirocco Co. |
Canadian Sirocco Company, Ltd. |
Canadian Winkley Company [Exterior] |
Canadian Winkley Company [Interior] |
Car Ferry "Lansdowne", Windsor, Canada |
Car Ferry "Transfer," Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Car Ferry Dock Windsor, Ont. (Connecting With Detroit, U.S.A.) |
Car Ferry On Detroit River |
Car No. 104 |
Carpenters Who Built The Church |
Casa Don Motel |
Casa Don Motel |
Casgrain Homestead |
Catalogue Card Printer 1975 |
Cataloguers At Work 1975 |
Cathedral (R.C.) Church Of The Assumption |
Catholic Church, Windsor, Canada. |
CAW Student Centre 1998 |
Cenotaph And City Hall Square At Night, Windsor, Ontario |
Central Dormitory; Little Boys Dormitory No. 1 |
Central Fire Hall, Windsor |
Central Methodist Church, Windsor, Canada |
Central Methodist Church, Windsor, Canada. |
Chalmers United Church |
Chancel, St. Mary's Church, Walkerville, Ont. |
Chapel And Administration Wing, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Chapel, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Chappell House, Sandwich, Canada |
Charles Chilver And Fred Johnson |
Charles Chilver Crosses Chilver Near Wyandotte |
Charlotte Johnson? At Willistead Manor |
Chatham Street East, Looking East, From Just West Of The Intersection With Mercer Street, July 1959 |
Chatham Street East, Looking West, From Between Mercer Street And McDougall Avenue, March 1960 |
Checker Cab, 320 Campbell Avenue, Exterior 1, August 1959 |
Checker Cab, 320 Campbell Avenue, Exterior 2, August 1959 |
Checking Order Requisitions In Books In Print 1975 |
Checking The Card Catalogue 1975 |
Chesapeake & Ohio Train A463 |
Chicken Court Restaurant |
Chicken Court Restaurant |
Chicken Court Restaurant |
Chief Joseph White |
Children's Play |
Children's Play 2 |
Chilver Coals |
Chilver Coals Ontario Senior Softball Champions 1931 |
Chilver Coals Softball Team |
Chilver Family Portrait |
Chilver Road, June 1950 |
Chilvers In Front Of The Grier Apartment Building |
Chippewa Street, Sandwich |
Choir Members 1930 |
Choir Of St. Mary's Church |
Christmas Party 1951 |
Chrysler Centre Looking South From Near Vimy Avenue, March 1951 |
Chrysler Centre, Looking North, From Near Ypres Avenue, March 1951 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Plant 1, May 1959 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Windsor Plant 3 Interior 1, April 1954 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Windsor Plant 3 Interior 2, April 1954 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Windsor Plant 3 Interior 3, April 1954 |
Chuck Lee And Ronny Morand In Front Of Lustre Cafe |
Chuck Lee In Front Of Lustre Cafe |
Chuck Lee, April 4, 1948 |
Church And Rectory, South Side |
Church Rectory South Side |
Church Street Looking North From Just South Of London Street, January 1954 |
Church Viewed From Gates To Willistead Manor |
Church, Northwest Side |
Churches 1. Immaculate Conception 2. First Baptist 3. All Saints 4. London St. Methodist 5. Bruce Ave. Baptist 6. St. Andrew's Presbyterian 7. Church Of The Ascension 8. Jewish Synagogue 9. St. Alphonsus 10. Central Methodist 11. Ontario Chapel (African) |
Circulation Desk, University Library, University of Windsor 1963 |
City Hall Annex Is Moved To Assumption University To Become The Engineering Building |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Canada. |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Canada. |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Ont. |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Canada. |
City Hall, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
City Market |
City Of Windsor 1940 |
City Of Windsor Steam Locomotive Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Class Rooms, Private Rooms, Gymnasium, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Classroom Building |
Cleary Auditorium |
Cleary Auditorium And Memorial Convention Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Club Room |
CMHC Wartime Housing Project. Windsor Across From General Hospital |
CNR Yards, Windsor, Ont. |
Coal Dock And Power House Ford Motor Company, East Windsor, Ontario |
Coal Docks, Sandwich, Ont. |
Cody Hall And Essex Hall Under Construction |
Cody Hall Mens Residence |
Cody Hall, South Side, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Col. Baubie Mansion, Sandwich, Ont. |
College Baseball Team 1915 |
College Basketball Team, 1915 |
College Campus |
College Chapel |
College Football Team, 1915 |
College Glee Club |
College Orchestra |
College Orchestra ca. 1922 |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Canada, 1905 |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Ont. |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Colonel Arthur Rankin |
Colonel Arthur Rankin Homestead |
Colonel John A. Wilkinson Homestead |
Commercial Classroom; The Laboratory |
Commercial Core Of Windsor 1871 |
Commodore Supper Club |
Concrete Mixer At Ryan Builders Supplies, November 1952 |
Conrad Reitz In His Office 1990 |
Consolidated Truck Lines, 1217 Sandwich Street West, August 1955 |
Construction At Hiram Walker 1, April 1952 |
Construction At Hiram Walker 2, April 1952 |
Construction At Hiram Walker 3, April 1952 |
Construction Huts On The South Side Of Ypres Avenue, At The Intersection With Memorial Drive And Marentette Avenue, August 1951 |
Construction Of The Library Looking East |
Construction Of Social Housing Near Mercer Street And Assumption Street, June 1961 |
Construction Of St. Mary's Parish Hall |
Construction Of The Library Roof |
Construction Of The Water Tower At General Foods, 1001 Wyandotte Street West, June 1950 |
Construction On The First Floor Of Leddy Main 1998 |
Construction Work At Hiram Walkers |
Consumer's Outfitters, 166 McDougall Street, January 1956 |
Consumers Outfitters 166 McDougall Street November 1959 |
Consumers Warehouse, 166 McDougall Street, January 1956 |
Convent, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Copy Of The Baptismal Certificate Of Alexander Bartlet |
Cor. Devonshire Road And Wyandotte St. Walkerville, Canada. |
Corner Of Campus, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Corner Of Park Street And Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Corner of Pitt St. and Oulette Ave., Windsor, Ont., Canada 1925 |
Corner Of St. Mary's Gate And Kildare Road; Riverside Park |
Corner Stone For The New Library November 6 1957 |
Coronation Rose Garden |
Corporation Of The City Of Windsor, Ontario, City Hall |
Country Club, Walkerville, Canada |
County Building, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
County Treasurer's Office |
Couple at Willistead Park 2 |
Couple In Front Of The Lych Gate At St. Mary's Church |
Court House And Gaol, Sandwich, Canada |
Court House, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Courtney Motel |
Cowan Homestead |
Cowan House |
CPR Boat Slip, Windsor, Ont. |
Crawford Avenue Looking North From Around Giles Boulevard West, March 1959 |
Crawford Avenue, Looking North, From Just South Of College Avenue, April 1957 |
Croatian National Home, 2520 Seminole Street, October 1950 |
Cross The Border By Auto Tunnel 1955 |
Crossing Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Crossing The Detroit River In Winter |
Crowds Celebrating On Ouellette Avenue On V-J Day, August 15th, 1945 |
Crown Jewels Of Great Britain, In Replica |
Cup Won By Walker Sons Corn |
Curry And Robinet Brickworks |
Curry And Robinet Brickworks The Workers |
Curry Avenue Looking South, October 1949 |
Curry Hall And Armouries, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Da Vinci's Restaurant |
Dairy Queen, 2498 Wyandotte Street West, July 1960 |
Day Scholars Cafeteria |
Dayus Raceway Advertising Car Outside Police Headquarters, September 1952 |
Dayus Softball Team |
Dedicatory Ceremonies Detroit And Canada Tunnel |
Dell's Market, 894 Ottawa Street, Exterior, March 1956 |
Dell's Market, 894 Ottawa Street, Interior, March 1956 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 1 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 2 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 3 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 4 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 5 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 6 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 7 |
Demolition Of The Norwich Block 8 |
Derby Motel |
Derna's Confectionery, 1074 Assumption Street, March 1952 |
Desks At Windsor Police Headquarters, Interior 1, February 1961 |
Desks At Windsor Police Headquarters, Interior 2, February 1961 |
Destruction Of Walkerville Train Station 1 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 10 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 2 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 3 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 4 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 5 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 6 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 7 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 8 |
Destruction of Walkerville Train Station 9 |
Detroit & Windsor Ferry Co's Bldg., Windsor, 1930 |
Detroit & Windsor Ferry Company Ticket |
Detroit And Canada Tunnel Company Token |
Detroit And Canada Tunnel Near American Portal, Detroit, Mich. |
Detroit And Windsor Ferry Co's Dock, At Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1928 |
Detroit Car Ferry From Windsor, Canada. |
Detroit From Windsor |
Detroit From Windsor, Canada |
Detroit River And Canadian And American Shores From Windsor, Ontario, Canada. |
Detroit River Panorama |
Detroit River Steamer, Ste. Claire, Of Detroit And Windsor Ferry Co. Fleet |
Detroit River Tunnel, Detroit, Mich. |
Detroit River Tunnel, Windsor, Canada |
Detroit River Waterfront At Cameron Avenue, August 1955 |
Detroit River Waterfront At Cameron Avenue, March 1954 |
Detroit River Waterfront At Janette Avenue, May 1958 |
Detroit River, International Boundary Line At Border Cities, Ont., Canada And Detroit, Mich. |
Detroit Skyline At Night From Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Detroit Skyline From Windsor Ontario, Canada |
Detroit Waterfront From Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Detroit Windsor Tunnel, Windsor, Ontario Canada |
Detroit-Windsor Ferry, Windsor, Ont. |
Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, The Fleetway |
Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, Windsor, Ontario, Canada [1960] |
Detroit, Belle Isle, and Windsor Ferry, 1893 |
Detroit, Mich. Panoram, Towards Windsor, Canada. |
Detroit, Mich., River Tunnel As It Appears At Windsor, Ont. |
Detroit, Michigan |
Detroit, Michigan From Windsor, Canada |
Detroit, U.S.A., From Windsor, Ont. Canada. |
Devonshire Race Track, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Devonshire Race Track, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Devonshire Road, Looking North; Walkerville Country Club |
Devonshire Road, Looking South; Kildare Road, Looking North |
Devonshire Road, P. M. Station, and Ferry, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Devonshire Road, Walkerville, Canada |
Devonshire Road, Walkerville, Canada |
Devonshire Road, Walkerville, Ont. |
Devonshire Road, Walkerville, Ont. |
Dieppe Gardens Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Dillon Hall And St. Denis Hall |
Dillon Hall And St. Denis Hall |
Dillon Hall, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Dining Room; Senior Students Study |
Distillery Offices, South Front, Coronation Year 1937, Hiram Walker And Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada |
Distillery Offices, South Front, Hiram Walker And Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario. |
Diving Off The Walkerville Ferry Boat Into The Detroit River |
Dominion Fish Hatchery |
Dominion House |
Dominion Paint Works, Limited |
Dominion Public Building, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1935 |
Dominion Stamping Company |
Don West |
Don't Be Pinned Down By Winter Washdays |
Don't You Love Me Anymore? |
Dougall Avenue Looking South, June 1950 |
Dougall Avenue School, Windsor, Canada |
Dougall Avenue School, Windsor, Canada |
Dougall Avenue School, Windsor, Ont. |
Dougall Avenue, Looking North Towards Shepherd Street West, November 1951 |
Dougall Avenue, Looking South, From North Of The Intersection With Erie Street West, July 1951 |
Down Town Windsor From The Air, Detroit River And City Of Detroit In Background |
Downtown Windsor, 1938 |
Downtown Windsor, Canada, Detroit River And City Of Detroit In Background |
Dr. John Francis Leddy |
Dr. Leddy Accepts His Portrait |
Drake House Interior 1 193 Glengarry Avenue July 1960 |
Drake House Interior 2 193 Glengarry Avenue July 1960 |
Drama Festival |
Dread Washday? |
Drilling The Awkward Squad |
Driving Park, Windsor, Canada |
Drop In Tavern, 3990 Tecumseh Road East, July 1957 |
Drop In Tavern, 3990 Tecumseh Road East, September 1957 |
Drouillard Road At Edna Street, Looking North, April 1951 |
Drouillard Road Looking South |
Drouillard Road Looking South, Between Alice Street And Reginald Street, March 1951 |
Duck Marine And Sports, 4550 Riverside Drive East, Looking East, April 1957 |
Duck Marine And Sports, 4550 Riverside Drive East, Looking West, December 1956 |
Duck Shooting Near Sandwich, Ont. |
Duff Baby House |
Easter 1954 |
Eastern Flyer Pulling Out Of Windsor, Canada |
Edgewater Thomas Inn, Riverside, Ontario |
Edgewater Thomas Inn, Riverside, Ontario. |
Editors Of The Review 1908 |
Editors Of The Review 1908-1909 |
Education Reference Desk 1996 |
Education Reference Desk 2000 |
Edward Boismier |
Eileen Apartments 1361 Ouellette Avenue December 1960 |
Elaine Brett |
Electric Motor, Emerging From East Bound Tube Under Detroit River With Michigan Central Train, Detroit, Mich. |
Electronic Computer Centre |
Elliott Street East, Looking East Towards Howard Avenue, January 1954 |
Ellis Apartments, 135 Ellis Street East, January 1957 |
Ellrose Avenue Looking North, From Just South Of Alice Street, September 1952 |
Ellrose Avenue Looking South, From Just North Of Reginald Street, September 1952 |
Elmwood Casino And Motor Hotel |
Elmwood Casino And Motor Hotel, Windsor, Ontario |
Elmwood Casino, Windsor, Canada |
Elmwood Hotel, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Emancipation Celebration, Jackson Park, Windsor, Ontario, Tues. Aug. 1st 1939 |
Emancipation Celebration Miss International Sepia Beauty |
Emancipation Celebration Parade At The Corner Of Ouellette Avenue And Park Street |
Emancipation Celebration Parade At The Corner Of Ouellette Avenue And Park Street 2 |
Emancipation Celebration Parade Car On Ouellette Avenue Just South Of Park Street |
Emancipation Celebration Parade In Front Of The Grandstand in Jackson Park |
Emancipation Celebration Parade Man On Horseback |
Emancipation Celebration Parade On Ouellette Avenue South Of Wyandotte Street |
Emancipation Celebration Parade Reaching Jackson Park |
Emancipation Celebration Parade Reaching Jackson Park 2 |
Emancipation Celebration Parade Reaching Jackson Park 3 |
Emancipation Celebration Parade Reaching Jackson Park 4 |
Engine 2375 At Devonshire Depot On Track No. 3 |
Entra[n]ce to Cafeteria, University Centre, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Entrance To Country Club, Walkerville, Ont. |
Entrance To Detroit River Tunnel, Detroit, Michigan |
Entrance To Detroit Windsor Tunnel And Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Entrance to Detroit-Windsor (Canada) Tunnel, Detroit, Mich. |
Entrance To Lanspeary Park, Giles Boulevard, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Entrance To The Leddy Library 1992 |
Entrance To The Library 1960 |
Entrance, St. Denis Hall, Gymnasium, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Episcopal Church And Burying Ground, Sandwich |
Eplett's Television And Appliances, 996 Drouillard Road, December 1952 |
Epps Army Surplus Store, 26 Chatham Street East, December 1958 |
Erie Street East Looking West From Howard Avenue April 1958 |
Ernest McCuaig At The Throttle Walker Farms |
Ernest Wilby |
Ernestine Russell On The Balance Beam At The Windsor Gymnastics Club |
Ernestine Russell On The Balance Beam At The Windsor Gymnastics Club 2 |
Ernestine Russell On The Balance Beam At The Windsor Gymnastics Club 3 |
Ernestine Russell On The Trampoline With Friends |
Ernestine Russell On The Trampoline With Her Coach Bernie Newman |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Balance Beam With Her Coach Bernie Newman |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Balance Beam With Her Coach Bernie Newman 2 |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Trampoline |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Trampoline 2 |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Trampoline With Her Coach Bernie Newman |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Trampoline With Her Coach Bernie Newman 2 |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Uneven Bars |
Ernestine Russell Practising On The Uneven Bars 2 |
Ernestine Russell Rollerskating With Her Sister? |
Ernestine Russell Rollerskating With Her Sisters? |
Ernestine Russell With Bernie Newman |
Ernestine Russell With Bernie Newman 2 |
Esquire Dairy Bar 1394 Wyandotte Street East May 1960 |
Essco Stamping Products, 444 Hanna Street East, July 1957 |
Essex County Court House And Jail, Sandwich, Ont. |
Essex County Court House, Jail, And Treasurer's Office |
Essex County Registry Office, Sandwich, Ont. |
Essex House Hotel Exterior 317 Riverside Drive West February 1961 |
Essex House Hotel Interior 1 317 Riverside Drive West February 1961 |
Essex House Hotel Interior 2 317 Riverside Drive West February 1961 |
Essex Lounge, University Centre, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Essex Scottish Regiment, Trooping The Colours In Jackson Park, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Essex Scottish Regimental Association, 3899 Seminole Street, December 1958 |
Essex Terminal Railway 1913 |
Essex Terminal Railway Company Engine, Walkerville, Ontario |
Essex Terminal Railway Tracks On Felix Avenue, Looking West, January 1952 |
Essex Terminal Railway Tracks, Looking East, From Just West Of Lincoln Road, Exterior 2, April 1951 |
Essex Terminal Railway Tracks, Looking East, From Just West Of Lincoln Road, Exterior 3, April 1951 |
Essex Terminal Railway Tracks, Looking West, From Just West Of Lincoln Road, Exterior 1, April 1951 |
Essex Wire Corporation, 1664 Windsor Avenue, June 1950 |
Essex Wire Corporation, Exterior, 1664 Windsor Avenue, June 1950 |
Estate On Riverside Drive East. Back View |
Estate On Riverside Drive East. Front View |
Estate On Riverside Drive East. Garage |
Estate On Riverside Drive East. Greenhouse |
Estate On Riverside Drive East. Greenhouse And Outbuildings |
Estate On Riverside Drive East. Outbuildings |
Estate On Riverside Drive East. Sterling Crescent Construction |
Excavation For The New Library 1957 |
Excursion Boats On Detroit River Leaving Border Cities, Canada |
Extension to the University Library Under Construction |
F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd |
Factory Of The Ever-Ready Dress Stay Company : S. J. Bowling, Prop. |
Family Excursion |
Family Of Oscar Ernest Fleming |
Family Of Samuel Fleming |
Famous Ambassador Bridge |
Famous Lancaster Bomber Of World War II, Jackson Park, Windsor, Ontario, "Canada's Rose City" |
Father Marseilles |
Female Students Outside Windsor Walkerville Technical School |
Fergie Jenkins Senior |
Ferry "Britannia," Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Ferry Boat Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1904 |
Ferry Boat, Windsor, Canada. |
Ferry Boat, Windsor, Canada. |
Ferry Dock At Windsor, Canada, Showing Detroit In The Distance, 1915 |
Ferry Dock, Walkerville, Canada |
Ferry Excelsior, Windsor, Canada |
Ferry For Windsor, Canada; Foot Of Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. |
Ferry Hill Corner, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Ferry Hill Corner, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1924 |
Ferry Hill, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1928 |
Ferry Landing And Corner Ouellette And Sandwich Street, 1920 |
Ferry Landing Showing Detroit In The Distance, Windsor, Canada, 1916 |
Ferry Landing, Corner Ouellette And Sandwich Streets, Windsor, Ont, Canada 1929 |
Ferry Landing, Walkerville, Ont. |
Ferry Landing, Walkerville, Ont., Canada. |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1912 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1914 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1923 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1906 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1914 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1916 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1912 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Ferry Promise Between Windsor, Canada And Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ferry Promise Between Windsor, Canada, And Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ferry Street Looking Northeast Towards Pitt Street, June 1961 |
Ferry Victoria Between Windsor, Canada And Detroit, U.S.A. |
Fielding And Son, Grocer, 235 Sandwich Street East, Exterior 1, August 1955 |
Fielding And Son, Grocer, 235 Sandwich Street East, Exterior 2, August 1955 |
Fiery Fastback Barracuda 1965 |
Fiftieth Anniversary Service Of St. Mary's Church |
Filing In The Shelf-list 1975 |
Filing Order Slips 1975 |
Film Studio |
Fire Department, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Fire Drill At The University Library 1975 |
Fire Hall And Equipment, Windsor, Canada |
Fire Hall, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
First Baptist Church, Windsor Ave., Windsor, Ont. |
First Brick Court House And Jail |
Fixers Of 1920 |
Food Mart, Consumers Warehouse Of Windsor, 166 McDougall Street, January 1956 |
Foot Of Woodward Ave. And Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. |
For A Few Sleepers, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Ford City Town Hall |
Ford Crestline Convertible |
Ford Crown Victoria 1958 |
Ford Customline Four Door Meteor |
Ford Factory, Ford, Ont., Canada. |
Ford Mercury |
Ford Meteor Automobile Parked Outside The Windsor Police Traffic Division Headquarters, 444 Windsor Avenue, September 1959 |
Ford Model T Parked On The Sidewalk At The Southwest Corner Of Sandwich Street East And Glengarry Avenue, September 1952 |
Ford Monarch 1952 |
Ford Motor Co. Of Canada, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Ford Motor Co. Plant, East Windsor, Ont. |
Ford Motor Co., Ford, Ont., Canada |
Ford Motor Co.'s Plant, Ford, Ont., Canada, Near Windsor |
Ford Motor Company |
Ford Motor Company Of Canada Archives Are Presented To The University 1998 |
Ford Motor Plant |
Ford of Canada Windsor Plants |
Ford V-8 Basketball Team |
Ford Windsor Engine Plant And Parking Lot, November 1957 |
Foreign Students Relax In Assumption Lounge, University Centre, University of Windsor |
Forest House Exterior, 1073 Tecumseh Road East, June 1957 |
Forest House Interior, 1073 Tecumseh Road East, June 1957 |
Fort View House |
Fortified Barracks, Sandwich, In 1837-1838 |
Foundation Company Of Ontario, General Contractors, November 1949 |
Fountain Motel And Restaurant |
Fountain Motel And Restaurant |
Four Baseball Players |
Fournelle's Pharmacy, 100 Wyandotte Street East, November 1950 |
Frederick Stearns & Co. Of Canada, Ltd. |
French Windmill, Walkerville |
Frontier Club 562 Mercer Street, June 1960 |
Functional Map Of Windsor, Ont. 1940 |
Future Campus 1958 |
G. W. Mason General Store |
G.T.R. Station, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Galifi Grocery 401 Parent Avenue December 1959 |
Gang On The Library Steps 1928 |
Garage Near The Northwest Corner Of Dougall Avenue And Park Street West, Interior, May 1958 |
Garage Near The Northwest Corner Of Dougall Avenue And Park Street West, May 1958 |
Gardens, Jackson Park |
Gates To The Service Drive For Elmcroft, Hiram H. Walker's Estate |
Gem Ferry |
General Hospital, Windsor, Ont. |
General Store Of John Spiers |
George Avenue At The CN Railway Crossing, Looking North, July 1951 |
George C. Haugh |
George C. Haugh Lumber Yard |
George Fellers Homestead |
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Exterior, June 1956 |
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Interior 1, June 1956 |
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Interior 2, June 1956 |
George Peters Produce, 1009 Crawford Avenue, April 1957 |
Giles Blvd., Looking East, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Giles Boulevard East Looking Southeast At the Intersection With Howard Avenue, January 1953 |
Giles Boulevard, Looking East, Essex County War Memorial In The Foreground, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Giles Boulevard, Looking East, Essex County War Memorial In The Foreground, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Giles Boulevard. Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Girard's Parking Lot, Near 44 Chatham Street, Looking West Towards Ouellette Avenue, July 1960 |
Girardot Building |
Girardot Wine Company Cellars |
Girardot Wine Company, Buildings At Sandwich |
Gitlins Correspondence |
Gladys and Helen Johnson In Walkerville In Front Of A Fruit And Vegetables Truck |
Glengarda Ursuline Academy, Ford City, Ont. |
GMC Softball Team |
Gordon McGregor Public School, Ford, Ont. |
Gotfredson Limited, 650 Montreuil Avenue, August 1953 |
Government Dock, Downtown Windsor And Detroit In Background |
Goyeau Street, Looking North, Between Ellis Street East And Giles Boulevard East, September 1950 |
Goyeau Street, Looking South, Between Giles Boulevard East And Ellis Street East, September 1950 |
Grace Hospital, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Grads Football Team |
Graduates, 1915 |
Graham Staffen Operating The Telex For The Computer Indexing Service |
Grand Trunk Car Ferry, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Gray's Drug Store Exterior 1492 Pillette Road December 1958 |
Gray's Drug Store Interior 1492 Pillette Road December 1958 |
Grayson Family Outside Grayson Jewellers |
Grayson Women Outside Grayson Jewellers |
Grayson's Jewellers And China Shop 131 Ouellette Avenue March 1961 |
Great Fire Of Windsor, 1871 |
Great Western Railway Yards |
Great Western, Windsor, Canada |
Greenhouses |
Greyhound Bus Depot, 44 London Street East, November 1956 |
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Exterior, 745 London Street West, March 1953 |
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Interior, 745 London Street West, March 1953 |
Grotto |
Grotto, St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Canada |
Grounds At Metropolitan Hospital October 1950 |
Growth Of Population Of Detroit And Border Cities, 1840-1940 |
Gubbs Pharmacy, Interior, 3808 Seminole Street, May 1960 |
Gundy And Gundy 1913 |
Gymnasium |
Gymnasium At Assumption College |
Gymnasium, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
H. O. Fleming, The Dispensing Druggist |
Hall Avenue, Looking North, From Just South Of Shepherd Street East, May 1950 |
Halmo Jewellers, 1368 Ottawa Street, Interior 1, September 1959 |
Halmo Jewellers, 1368 Ottawa Street, Interior 2, September 1959 |
Halmo Jewellers, 1368-1370 Ottawa Street, 1951 |
Handball Alleys |
Hands Homestead |
Hanging At Windsor Jail [After] |
Hanging At Windsor Jail [Before] |
Hanna Street East Looking East From Just West Of Elsmere Avenue, March 1959 |
Harry Duniont, Baseball Player |
Harry Vexler's Department Store Cheque |
Harvesting On Walkers Farm |
Harwood Ontario Osborne Fleming |
Hattie Johnson Reading |
Hattie Johnson With Daughter-In-Law |
Head Start 1997 |
Head Start Orientation 2009 |
Helen's Dining Lounge |
Henri Baillargeon And The Robinet Girls Standing Near The CNR Station |
Henry C. Grant |
Herald Press Limited, 424 Pitt Street West, September 1959 |
Herbert Trueman |
Hi Ho Curb Serv US Ltd. |
Hi Way Motel Court |
High School Library 1948 |
High School Library With More Students 1949 |
High School Library With Students 1948 |
High School Library With Students 1949 |
High School, Walkerville, Ont., Canada. |
High School, Windsor, Canada. |
Hiram Walker |
Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. Aeroplane View Of Plant |
Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. Bottling Building |
Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. Distillery Offices, Board Room |
Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. Distillery Offices, South Front |
Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. Maturing Warehouses |
Hiram Walker & Sons, Distillers, Millers, And Maltsters, Walkerville, Ont. |
Hiram Walker And Sons Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. Interior Of One Of Eleven Maturing Warehouses. Total Capacity 225,000 Barrels. |
Hiram Walker And Sons U.S. Army K-Rations |
Hiram Walker Engraving |
Hiram Walker Historical Museum, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Hiram Walker's Baseball Team |
HMCS Hunter Naval Reserve Basketball Team |
Hockey Game At Assumption College |
Hockey Game In Front Of St. Denis Hall |
Holiday Inn |
Holiday Inn, Windsor |
Holland Brothers 1277 Ottawa Street March 1959 |
Holy Names College Womens Residence |
Holy Redeemer College, Assumption University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Holy Rosary Separate School, Ford, Ont. |
Home Bank Of Canada, Walkerville, Canada |
Home Of Canadian Club |
Home Of Canadian Club Whisky, Walkerville, Canada. Rack Warehouses |
Home Of Jules Robinet, 118 St. Antoine Street, Sandwich |
Home Of The Sandwich Postoffice |
Homestead 380 Wyandotte Street East August 1960 |
Homestead, Goyeau Street, Windsor, Ontario |
Hon. W. C. Kennedy Collegiate Institute |
Honeymoon Hut In The Trees, Walkerville Tourist Camp, South Walkerville, Ontario |
Hoppes Nu Vogue Ladies Wear, 1501 Tecumseh Road East, April 1957 |
Hotel Dieu De St. Joseph Hospital, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor |
Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, Canada |
Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Hotel Dieu, Windsor, Canada |
Hotel Dieu, Windsor, Canada. |
Hotel Dieu, Windsor, Ont. |
Hotel Dieu, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Hotel Dieu, Windsor, Ontario |
Hotel Norton Palmer |
Hotel Norton Palmer; Post Office, Windsor; Prince Edward Hotel; Medical Arts Building |
Hotel Prince Edward |
House 1 Built By Sterling Construction Company |
House 2 Built By Sterling Construction Company |
House 3 Built By Sterling Construction Company |
House 4 Built By Sterling Construction Company |
House At Tecumseh Road East And Sandwich Street East, December 1956 |
House On the Northwest Corner Of Victoria Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, August 1956 |
House On Windemere Road August 1960 |
Houses And Outbuildings Tecumseh Road East And Sandwich Street East, December 1956 |
Houses on Elm Avenue, April 1957 |
Houses On Lincoln Road August 1960 |
Houses On Moy Avenue August 1960 |
Houses On The East Side Of Drouillard Road, August 1960 |
Howard Avenue Between Tecumseh Road East and Hanna Street, Looking North, September 1950 |
Howard Avenue Looking Northwest Towards The Intersection With Giles Boulevard East, January 1953 |
Howard Avenue, Looking North, At The Junction With Cataraqui Street, Glengarry Avenue And Aylmer Avenue February 1953 |
Howard Fruit Market, 2181 Howard Avenue, Exterior, June 1960 |
Howell Bros. The Jewelers, 17 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. |
Hunting Just West Of Windsor |
Hupp Motor Car Company |
Huron Church Road Approaching The Ambassador Bridge October 1956 |
Huron Line, January 1956 |
Huron Mission House |
Hussey Plumbing And Heating, 2117 Forest Avenue, July 1959 |
I.O.O.F. Temple, Wyandotte St., Windsor, Ont. |
Immaculate Conception Church And Parochial Residences, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Immaculate Conception Church, Windsor, Canada |
Immaculate Conception Church. Windsor, Canada |
Imperial Bank Of Canada Cheque |
Infirmary At Assumption College |
Information Desk 1975 |
Information Desk 1981 |
Information Desk 1996 |
Inside The Lustre Cafe |
Installation Of New Gates In Leddy Library 1996 |
Interior Of Cafeteria In University Centre, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Interior Of Corn Seed House On Walker's Farm |
Interior Of One Of Eleven Maturing Warehouses. Total Capacity 170,000 Barrels |
Interior Of St. Alphonsus Church, Windsor, Ont. |
Interior Of The Detroit River Tunnel, Detroit, Mich. |
Interior Of The Detroit River Tunnel, Detroit, Mich. |
Interior Of The Kennedy Mausoleum In Windsor Grove Cemetery |
Interior Of The Seagrave Mausoleum In Windsor Grove Cemetery |
Interior View Of Crystal Hall And Queen's Grocery |
Interior With Pews |
Intersection Of Albert Road And Richmond Street, Looking South, May 1957 |
Intersection Of Arthur Road And Seminole Street, Looking South, January 1953 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Chilver Street, Looking West, November 1950 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking East May 1961 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking East, May 1961 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking West May 1961 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking West, May 1961 |
Intersection Of Aubin Road And Tecumseh Road East, Looking East, March 1953 |
Intersection Of Aylmer Avenue And Brant Street, Looking North, June 1953 |
Intersection Of Bridge Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking North, August 1951 |
Intersection Of California Avenue And Fanchette Street, Looking North, May 1950 |
Intersection Of California Avenue And London Street, Looking North, May 1949 |
Intersection Of California Avenue And London Street, Looking South, May 1949 |
Intersection Of Cameron Avenue And Wyandotte Street West Looking East December 1952 |
Intersection Of Campbell Avenue And Laing Street, Looking North, July 1951 |
Intersection Of Campbell Avenue And Pelletier Street, Looking North, March 1961 |
Intersection Of Cataraqui Street And Mercer Street, Looking West, January 1954 |
Intersection Of Chatham Street East And Market Lane, Looking East, June 1957 |
Intersection Of Chatham Street East And Market Lane, Looking East, May 1958 |
Intersection Of Chatham Street East And Market Lane, Looking South, May 1958 |
Intersection Of Chatham Street East And McDougall Avenue, Looking East, March 1960 |
Intersection Of Chatham Street East And Mercer Street, Looking East, February 1953 |
Intersection Of Chatham Street West And Church Street, Looking West, December 1956 |
Intersection Of Chilver Road And Assumption Street, Looking North, November 1950 |
Intersection Of Chippawa Street And Peter Street, Looking East, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Church Street And Chatham Street West, Looking North, Exterior 1, December 1956 |
Intersection Of Church Street And Chatham Street West, Looking North, Exterior 2, December 1956 |
Intersection Of Church Street And London Street West, Looking North, January 1954 |
Intersection Of Church Street And Park Street West, Looking North, January 1954 |
Intersection Of College Avenue And Campbell Avenue, Looking East, May 1951 |
Intersection Of College Avenue And Campbell Avenue, Looking West, May 1951 |
Intersection Of Crawford Avenue And London Street West, Looking North, April 1951 |
Intersection Of Crawford Avenue And University Avenue, Looking South, August 1960 |
Intersection Of Detroit Street And Sandwich Street, Looking South, August 1957 |
Intersection Of Drouillard Road And Charles Street, Looking Northeast, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Drouillard Road And Charles Street, Looking South, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Elliott Street West And Ouellette Avenue, Looking West, February 1952 |
Intersection Of Elliott Street West And Pelissier Street, Looking West, February 1954 |
Intersection Of Elliott Street West With Wellington Avenue, December 1958 |
Intersection Of Ellis Street And Ouellette Avenue, Looking East, January 1953 |
Intersection Of Ellis Street East And Goyeau Street, Looking East Towards Windsor Avenue, January 1957 |
Intersection Of Ellis Street East And Ouellette Avenue, Looking West, November 1950 |
Intersection Of Ellis Street East And Windsor Avenue, Looking West, January 1957 |
Intersection Of Ellrose Avenue And Milloy Street, Looking North, September 1952 |
Intersection Of Elm Avenue And Wyandotte Street West Looking West June 1950 |
Intersection Of Erie Street And Ouellette Avenue, Looking East, March 1951 |
Intersection Of Erie Street East And Gladstone Avenue, Looking West, October 1951 |
Intersection Of Fanchette Street And California Avenue, Looking East, May 1950 |
Intersection Of Fanchette Street And California Avenue, Looking West, May 1950 |
Intersection Of Felix Avenue And Edison Street, Looking South Towards The Essex Terminal Railway Tracks, January 1952 |
Intersection Of George Avenue And Tecumseh Road East, Looking West, March 1953 |
Intersection Of George Avenue And Wyandotte Street East, Looking South, April 1954 |
Intersection Of Giles Boulevard And Hall Avenue, Looking East, August 1953 |
Intersection Of Giles Boulevard And Ouellette Avenue, Looking East, March 1952 |
Intersection Of Giles Boulevard East And Howard Avenue, Looking East, November 1952 |
Intersection Of Giles Boulevard East And Howard Avenue, Looking West, November 1952 |
Intersection Of Gladstone Avenue And Erie Street, Looking North, October 1951 |
Intersection Of Gladstone Avenue And Tecumseh Road East, Looking North, January 1950 |
Intersection Of Glengarry Avenue And Wyandotte Street East, Looking North June 1953 |
Intersection Of Glengarry Avenue And Wyandotte Street East, Looking North, October 1952 |
Intersection Of Glengarry Avenue And Wyandotte Street East, Looking South June 1953 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And Ellis Street East, Looking North, January 1957 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And London Street, Looking South, January 1950 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And Pitt Street East, Looking North, October 1956 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And Pitt Street East, Looking North, September 1960 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And Pitt Street East, Looking West, August 1957 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And Pitt Street, Looking North, May 1959 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And University Avenue East, Looking North, October 1959 |
Intersection Of Hall Avenue And Giles Boulevard, Looking North, August 1953 |
Intersection Of Hanna Street And Ouellette Avenue, Looking East, January 1952 |
Intersection Of Hanna Street And Ouellette Avenue, Looking East, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Hanna Street East And Parent Avenue, Looking West, March 1959 |
Intersection Of Healy Street And Sandwich Street West, Looking South, March 1957 |
Intersection Of Howard Avenue And Ellis Street East, Looking East Towards Lillian Avenue, February 1953 |
Intersection Of Howard Avenue And Giles Boulevard East, Looking North, November 1952 |
Intersection Of Howard Avenue And Logan Street, Looking North, March 1953 |
Intersection Of Howard Avenue And Logan Street, Looking South, March 1953 |
Intersection Of Howard Avenue And Ottawa Street, Looking North, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Howard Avenue And Tecumseh Road East, Looking North, August 1953 |
Intersection Of Huron Line And College Avenue, Looking North, June 1952 |
Intersection Of Huron Line And Tecumseh Road West, Looking North, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Janette Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking North, November 1950 |
Intersection Of Josephine Avenue And Rooney Street, Looking East, February 1950 |
Intersection Of Labadie Road And Reginald Street, Looking South, September 1952 |
Intersection Of Lauzon Road And Wyandotte Street East, Looking East, May 1958 |
Intersection Of Lauzon Road And Wyandotte Street East, Looking South, May 1958 |
Intersection Of Lens Avenue And Hospital Gate, Looking East, April 1954 |
Intersection Of Lens Avenue And Hospital Gate, Looking West, April 1954 |
Intersection Of Lincoln Road And Shepherd Street East, Looking North, April 1951 |
Intersection Of Logan Street And Howard Avenue, Looking West, March 1953 |
Intersection Of London Street And Askin Avenue Looking East April 1953 |
Intersection Of London Street And California Avenue, Looking East, May 1949 |
Intersection Of London Street And California Avenue, Looking West, May 1949 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Askin Avenue Looking West April 1953 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Bridge Avenue, Looking West, December 1950 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Bruce Avenue, Looking West, October 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Cameron Avenue, Looking East, November 1949 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Campbell Avenue, Looking West, February 1953 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Church Street, Looking West, January 1954 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Crawford Avenue, Looking East, April 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Crawford Avenue, Looking East, June 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Crawford Avenue, Looking West, April 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Oak Avenue Looking West, December 1950 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Oak Avenue, Looking East, December 1950 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Pelissier Street Looking East, May 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Pelissier Street, Looking East, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Malden Road And Blackburn Court, Looking East, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Malden Road And Blackburn Court, Looking Northeast, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Malden Road, Prince Road, Felix Avenue, And Huron Church Road, Looking East Towards Superior Street, May 1953 |
Intersection Of Malden Road, Prince Road, Felix Avenue, And Huron Church Road, Looking South 2, May 1953 |
Intersection Of Malden Road, Prince Road, Felix Avenue, And Huron Church Road, Looking South, May 1953 |
Intersection Of McDougall Street And Chatham Street East, Looking South, November 1959 |
Intersection Of McDougall Street And Pitt Street East, Looking North, October 1960 |
Intersection Of McDougall Street And Riverside Drive East, Looking North, September 1956 |
Intersection Of McDougall Street And University Avenue East, Looking North, March 1960 |
Intersection Of McKay Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking North, June 1950 |
Intersection Of McKay Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking South, December 1955 |
Intersection Of Meldrum Road And Tecumseh Road East, Looking North, May 1950 |
Intersection Of Memorial Drive, Ypres Avenue, And Marentette Avenue, Looking Northeast, August 1951 |
Intersection Of Mercer Street And Cataraqui Street, Looking North, January 1954 |
Intersection Of Mercer Street And Chatham Street East, Looking North, February 1953 |
Intersection Of Mill Street And Peter Street, Looking Northwest, September 1950 |
Intersection Of Mill Street And Peter Street, Looking Southeast, September 1950 |
Intersection Of Monmouth Road And Richmond Street, Looking North, April 1951 |
Intersection Of Monmouth Road And Richmond Street, Looking South, April 1951 |
Intersection Of Monmouth Road And Wyandotte Street East, Looking North, October 1957 |
Intersection Of Moy Avenue And Ottawa Street, Looking North, September 1959 |
Intersection Of Munsee Street And Turner Road, Looking West, April 1957 |
Intersection Of Oak Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking North, July 1951 |
Intersection Of Oak Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking South, February 1960 |
Intersection Of Olive Road And Seminole Street, Looking North, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Ottawa Street And Hall Avenue Looking West, February 1957 |
Intersection Of Ottawa Street And Hall Avenue, Looking East, 1952 |
Intersection Of Ottawa Street And Howard Avenue, Looking West, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Ottawa Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking West, October 1956 |
Intersection Of Ottawa Street And Moy Avenue, Aerial View Looking East, September 1959 |
Intersection Of Ottawa Street And Moy Avenue, Looking East, September 1959 |
Intersection Of Ottawa Street And Pierre Avenue Looking East, June 1960 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Elliott Street West, Looking South, February 1952 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Ellis Street, Looking North, January 1953 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Erie Street, Looking North, March 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Hanna Street, Looking North, June 1950 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And London Street, Looking North 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And London Street, Looking Northwest Towards Chatham Street West, May 1952 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Maple Street, Looking North, January 1953 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Maple Street, Looking South, January 1953 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Park Street, Looking North, 1935 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Pine Street, Looking South, December 1950 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Tuscarora Street Looking East April, 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Tuscarora Street Looking North April, 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Tuscarora Street Looking South April, 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Tuscarora Street Looking West April, 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And Wyandotte Street, Looking North, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue and Wyandotte Street, Looking South, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Page Street And Sandwich Street West, Looking Northeast, March 1957 |
Intersection Of Parent Avenue And Riverside Drive East, Looking South, July 1960 |
Intersection of Park Street West And Dougall Avenue, Looking West, December 1951 |
Intersection Of Park Street West And Pelissier Street February 1961 |
Intersection Of Partington Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking North November 1957 |
Intersection Of Patricia Road And Wyandotte Street West, Looking Southeast, January 1955 |
Intersection Of Pelissier Street And Park Street West, Looking North, October 1956 |
Intersection Of Pelissier Street And Shepherd Street West, Looking North, December 1951 |
Intersection Of Peter Street And Chippawa Street, Looking North, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Peter Street And Prince Road, Looking South, September 1960 |
Intersection Of Pitt Street And Ferry Street, Looking Southwest, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Pitt Street East And Goyeau Street, Looking Northwest, October 1956 |
Intersection Of Pitt Street East And Goyeau Street, Looking West, October 1956 |
Intersection Of Pitt Street East And Ouellette Avenue, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Pitt Street West And Ferry Street, Looking West, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Prince Road And Peter Street Looking East, September 1960 |
Intersection Of Prince Road And Peter Street, Looking Northeast, September 1960 |
Intersection Of Prince Road and Peter Street, Looking West, August 1951 |
Intersection Of Richmond Street And Albert Road, Looking West, May 1957 |
Intersection Of Riverside Drive West And McKay Avenue, Looking West, November 1961 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street And Detroit Street, Looking North, August 1957 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street And Prince Road, Looking North, April 1952 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street East And Glengarry Avenue Looking West, August 1949 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street East And Glengarry Avenue, Looking East, September 1952 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street East And Langlois Avenue, Looking East, February 1952 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street East And Rossini Boulevard, Looking East, 1950? |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street East And Strabane Avenue, Looking West, Exterior 1, February 1951 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street East And Strabane Avenue, Looking West, Exterior 2, February 1951 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street West And Chippawa Street, Looking West, April 1952 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street West And Chippewa Street, Looking West November 1950 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street West And Detroit Street, Looking North, May 1953 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street West And Elm Avenue, Looking West, March 1954 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street West And London Street West, Looking West, January 1950 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street West And South Street, Looking West, May 1951 |
Intersection Of Seminole Street and Arthur Road, Looking East, January 1953 |
Intersection Of Seminole Street And Olive Road, Looking West, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Seminole Street And St. Luke Road, Looking East, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Shepherd Street East And Lincoln Road, Looking East, April 1951 |
Intersection Of Shepherd Street East And Moy Avenue Looking North August 1960 |
Intersection Of Shepherd Street West And Church Street Looking West, June 1959 |
Intersection Of Shepherd Street West And Pelissier Street, Looking East, December 1951 |
Intersection Of Shepherd Street West And Pelissier Street, Looking West, December 1951 |
Intersection Of Shepherd Street West and York Street Looking East, June 1959 |
Intersection Of St. Luke Road And Seminole Street, Looking North, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Byng Road, Looking East, July 1951 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Forest Avenue, Looking East, April 1952 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Francois Road, Looking East, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Francois Road, Looking West, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Howard Avenue, Looking East, August 1953 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Meldrum Road, Looking West, May 1950 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Moy Avenue, Looking West, January 1956 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Ouellette Avenue, Looking East, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Pillette Road, Looking East, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Pillette Road, Looking West, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Walker Road, Looking West, April 1950 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road West And Huron Line, Looking West, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road West And Wellington Avenue, Looking West, August 1950 |
Intersection Of Turner Road And Mohawk Street, Looking North, April 1957 |
Intersection Of Tuscarora Street And McDougall Street, Looking East, September 1952 |
Intersection Of Tuscarora Street And Monmouth Road, Looking West, October 1957 |
Intersection Of Tuscarora Street And Windsor Avenue Looking North, April 1953 |
Intersection Of Tuscarora Street And Windsor Avenue Looking West, April 1953 |
Intersection Of University Avenue And Crawford Avenue, Looking North, August 1960 |
Intersection Of University Avenue And Riverside Drive At Rosedale Avenue, Looking East September 1960 |
Intersection Of University Avenue East And Goyeau Street, Looking East, October 1959 |
Intersection Of Victoria Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking South, February 1961 |
Intersection Of Vimy Avenue And Louis Avenue, Looking East, December 1949 |
Intersection Of Walker Road And Somme Avenue, Looking South, September 1952 |
Intersection Of Walker Road And St. Julien Avenue, Looking North, September 1952 |
Intersection Of Walker Road And Tecumseh Road East, Looking North, April 1950 |
Intersection Of Walker Road And Ypres Avenue, Looking South August 1950 |
Intersection Of Wellington Avenue And University Avenue West, Looking South, March 1961 |
Intersection Of Westcott Road And Tecumseh Road East, Looking South, May 1952 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street And Ouellette Avenue, Looking East, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street And Ouellette Avenue, Looking West, October 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Chilver Road, Looking West, September 1959 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Drouillard Road, Looking West, August 1951 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Frank Avenue, Looking East, May 1958 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Glengarry Avenue, Looking East, June 1953 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Glengarry Avenue, Looking East, October 1952 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Glengarry Avenue, Looking West June 1953 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Glengarry Avenue, Looking West, October 1952 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Kildare Road, Looking East, June 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Langlois Avenue, Looking East, November 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Langlois Avenue, Looking South, September 1951 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Langlois Avenue, Looking Southeast, September 1951 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And McDougall Street Looking East August 1960 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Pierre Avenue, Looking East September 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Pierre Avenue, Looking West September 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street East And Windsor Avenue Looking West, June 1953 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Bridge Avenue, Looking West, August 1951 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Caron Avenue, Looking East, July 1956 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Caron Avenue, Looking West, July 1956 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Crawford Avenue, Looking East, July 1956 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Elm Avenue, Looking West, December 1952 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Janette Avenue, Looking West, November 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And McKay Avenue, Looking East, June 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And McKay Avenue, Looking West, June 1950 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Oak Avenue, Looking West, July 1951 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Rankin Avenue, Looking West, August 1949 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Victoria Avenue, Looking East, February 1961 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Victoria Avenue, Looking West, February 1961 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Wellington Avenue, Looking East, March 1950 |
Invertebrate Zoology Research Laboratory |
Irene's Sunday School Class, St. Mary's Church |
Is Zat So |
Island View Hotel Opposite Belle Isle On Canadian Shore |
J & J Dougall Store |
J. H. Bishop Fur Company's Buildings |
Jackson Park |
Jackson Park Gates, Windsor, Canada. |
Jackson Park Gates, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Jackson Park Gates, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Jackson Park Sunken Gardens And Fountain |
Jackson Park, Windsor, Ont. |
Jackson Park, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. |
Jackson Park, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. |
James Baby |
Janet Graham Campbell Fleming |
Janisse Realty Company [Exterior] |
Janisse Realty Company [Interior] |
Jean Shillington |
Jeanne Bruce Jeweller |
Jenking's Home |
Jerry Wilkinson, Baseball Player |
Jessop's Motel |
Jimmy Stewart Playing Baseball |
Joe Lore Service Station, 1715 College Avenue, August 1959 |
Joe's Lunch Interior 1298 Drouillard Road March 1950 |
Joe's Pool Room And The Campus Barber Shop, 1102-1104 Drouillard Road, June 1961 |
John Cowan |
John Gilchrist Bakery 1362 Ouellette Avenue December 1960 |
John Gilchrist Bakery, 1362 Ouellette Avenue, September 1959 |
John Piggott & Sons |
John Prince Home |
John Scheirich, Shoe Repair 476 Haig Avenue Exterior June 1960 |
Johnny Klich |
Johnny's Auto Repair, 1390 Drouillard Road, August 1960 |
Johnson Family On The Detroit River |
Johnston Hardware 72 Wyandotte Street East December 1956 |
Kavanaugh's Motel |
Kavanaugh's Motel |
Kay's Souvenir Store, 136 Wyandotte Street East, August 1960 |
Keep Smiling |
Kenilworth Race Track, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Kennedy Collegiate, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Kennedy Mausoleum In Windsor Grove Cemetery |
Keystone Gun Club |
Kildare Road, Walkerville, Ont. |
Kildare Road, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada |
King Children Of Walkerville On Their Dad's Car |
King Edward Nurse's Station |
King Edward Public School 1923 Grade 2 Class |
King Edward Public School, Walkerville, Ont. |
King Edward School 1918 Class |
King Edward School 1926 Class |
King Edward School 1926 November Class Photograph |
King Edward School, Walkerville. |
King George School, Walkerville, Ont. |
King Property |
Kinnee's Motel |
Kitchen Staff |
Knotty Pine Inn, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
L And A General Store, 1282 George Avenue, May 1959 |
La Belle Block, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1917 |
La Salle And Pleasure Of Detroit At Ferry Dock, Windsor, Ontario |
Ladies Of The Parke Davis Drug Company Finishing Room |
Lagoon Canal, Sandwich, Canada, Near Windsor |
Lagoon Canal, Windsor, Canada |
Lagoon Park Canal, Windsor, Canada |
Lagoon Park Hotel |
Lake Erie And Detroit River Railroad Locomotive |
Langlois Avenue Looking South, From Just North Of The Intersection With Ellis Street East, July 1957 |
Langlois Avenue Looking South, From Just North Of The Intersection With Hanna Street East, July 1957 |
Langlois Avenue, Looking North From Just South Of Assumption Street, April 1951 |
Lanspeary Park, Windsor, Ont, Canada |
Lanspeary's Drug Store, 1284 Prince Road, Exterior, February 1957 |
Lanspeary's Drug Store, 1284 Prince Road, Interior 1, February 1957 |
Lanspeary's Drug Store, 1284 Prince Road, Interior 2, February 1957 |
Large Floor Stand Globe |
LaSalle Ferry Boat Leaving Windsor, Canada |
Last Look At Old Library's Larder 1958 |
Laurier Hall And Vanier Hall Under Construction August 31st, 1968 |
Laurier Hall And Vanier Hall Under Construction October 31st, 1968 |
Laurier Hall And Vanier Hall Under Construction September 30th, 1968 |
Lauzon Road Looking North Towards St. Rose Avenue, August 1953 |
Lauzon Road Looking South Towards St. Rose Avenue, August 1953 |
Lawrence Tetley, Grocer, 1314 Wellington Avenue, November 1951 |
Laying Of The Corner Stone For The New Library November 6 1957 |
Laying Of The Cornerstone Of St. Mary's Church |
Layoff Notice From Ford Motor Company of Canada |
Lecturn, St. Mary's Church |
Leddy Library Access Services Desk During The Pandemic 2022 |
Leddy Library Looking East 1997 |
Leddy Library Looking South 1998 |
Leddy Library Looking South 2013 |
Leddy Library Looking South Between The Two Buildings 1998 |
Leddy Library Looking Southeast 2013 |
Leddy Library Technical Services Moves To The Third Floor Of The Law School Building 1970 |
Leddy Library Under Construction 1970 |
Leddy Library Under Construction Looking East 1970 |
Leddy Library Under Construction Looking East Early Stages 1969 |
Leddy Library Under Construction Looking South 1970 |
Leddy Library, Second Floor 2000 |
Lees Mary Hair Fashions, 1380 Wyandotte Street East, August 1960 |
Lemuel Dexter Galloway |
Leo Lamoureux |
Lew And Frank Chilver |
Liberty Auto Sales, 534 Wyandotte Street East, January 1954 |
Library At Night 1959 |
Library Circulation Desk 1967 |
Library Instruction Classroom 1993 |
Library Instruction Classroom 2013 |
Library Overflow 1958 |
Library Research 1957 |
Library Staff 1952 |
Library Staff 1955 |
Library Staff At Circulation Desk 1965 |
Library Staff With Students 1954 |
Lily Pond At Assumption College |
Lincoln Road Looking South Between Seneca Street And Shepherd Street East, September 1950 |
Lineup At Cafeteria Counter, University Centre, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Little Yard |
Lloyd Wanless, Baseball Umpire |
Lobby Of The New Library As Seen From Mezzanine 1958 |
Loblaws, 4840 Wyandotte Street East, Interior, August 1959 |
Lockers In Leddy 1971 |
London Street Looking West, Windsor, Ontario |
London Street West, Looking West, From East Of Cameron Avenue, November 1949 |
London Street, Looking West, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
London Street, Windsor, Canada |
London Street, Windsor, Canada |
London Street, Windsor, Ont. |
London Street, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Looking East Along Sandwich Street East Towards The Intersection With Strabane Avenue, August 1949 |
Looking North Along Ouellette Avenue On V-J Day, August 15th, 1945 |
Looking North Along Sandwich Street West, From 4016 Sandwich Street West, March 1955 |
Looking South Along Sandwich Street West, From 4016 Sandwich Street West, March 1955 |
Looking South From The Guardian Building, Detroit, Michigan |
Looking Towards Sandwich Point |
Louis A. Merlo |
Lovers' Lane, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Lowe's Boys Gymnastics Team |
Lower Corridor; Temporary Chapel |
Lower Level Study Room 1958 |
Lunchtime At The C&O Depot, Walkerville |
Lych Gate |
Lychgate St. Mary's |
Mabel Matilda Lloyd |
MacCuaig Jewellery Company, 2030 Wyandotte Street West, July 1955 |
Madrid Motor Hotel |
Maguire's Drug Store, 401 Shepherd Street West, Exterior, March 1959 |
Maguire's Drug Store, 401 Shepherd Street West, Interior, March 1959 |
Mai Mai Tavern Cantonese Cuisine And Steak House |
Mailmen At Walkerville Post Office |
Main Corridor |
Main Corridor, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Main Lounge, Cody Hall, University of Windsor |
Main Offices, Hiram Walker And Son, Walkerville, Ont. |
Maisoneau Mill |
Majestic Tavern, Windsor, Ont. |
Manning Hotel & Post Office, Windsor, Ont. |
Manning House, Windsor, Canada |
Map Of East And West Sandwich Townships. Map Of Anderdon Township 1882 |
Map Showing Position Of Windsor And Environs 1913 |
Maple Leaf Hotel Exterior 1629 Howard Avenue February 1960 |
Maple Leaf Motel |
Maple Leaf Motel And Restaurant |
Marcus Meat Market, 1144 Wyandotte Street East, May 1958 |
Marentette Homestead |
Mario's Fine Foods, 1948 |
Mario's Of Windsor |
Mario's of Windsor, Roozen's Ltd. |
Mario's Restaurant |
Mario's Restaurant, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Mario's Tavern |
Mario's Tavern |
Mario's Tavern 1960 |
Mario's Tavern, 1950 |
Marion's Motel |
Market Lane Looking North To Pitt Street October 1955 |
Market Lane Looking South October 1955 |
Marlborough School, 1947, Grade 8 |
Marlene Dietrich |
Marshall Foundry, 940 Assumption Street, February 1958 |
Marshall Foundry, 940 Assumption Street, July 1955 |
Mary A. Walker |
Mary Apartments 1197 Erie Street East October 1958 |
Masonic Temple, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Maxine's Beauty Shop, 2106 Woodlawn Avenue, July 1960 |
Maypole on King Property |
McCourt Cartage Truck Parked On St. Luke Road, November 1959 |
McDougall Street Looking South Towards Wyandotte Street August 1960 |
McEwan Avenue Looking North, From Just South Of The Intersection With Martindale Street, August 1952 |
McEwan Avenue Looking South Between Martindale Street And Wyandotte Street West, August 1952 |
McKay Avenue, Looking North, From Just South Of Grove Avenue, February 1950 |
McKee Block |
McKee Homestead |
Medbury Lane West, Looking East Towards Ferry Landing, March 1955 |
Medical Arts Building, Windsor, Canada |
Members Of The Windsor Ford V-8 Basketball Team In Europe |
Memorial Hall, University of Windsor |
Memorial Science Building, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Mercer Street Looking North Towards Intersection With Wyandotte Street East August 1960 |
Merchants Paper Company 975 Crawford Avenue, April 1957 |
Mercury Sun Valley |
Merlo Family |
Merloray Building |
Meteor Rideau Sedan |
Methodist Church, Sandwich, Ont. |
Methodist Church, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church |
Methodist Church, Walkerville, Ont. |
Methodist Church, Windsor, Canada |
Metropole |
Metropole Tavern 917 Walker Road, Interior, June 1961 |
Metropole Tavern Exterior 917 Walker Road June 1960 |
Metropole Tavern Exterior 917 Walker Road, June 1961 |
Metropole Tavern Interior 917 Walker Road June 1960 |
Metropolitan Building In Foreground, Windsor, Ontario. |
Metropolitan General Hospital 1995 Lens Avenue, April 1954 |
Metropolitan General Hospital, Walkerville, Ont., Canada. |
Metropolitan Stores, 439-457 Ouellette Avenue, Exterior 1, October 25 1960 |
Metropolitan Stores, 439-457 Ouellette Avenue, Exterior 2, October 25 1960 |
Metropolitan Stores, 439-457 Ouellette Avenue, Exterior 3, October 25 1960 |
Michigan Central Railway Tunnel, Looking North, March 1951 |
Michigan Central Tunnel |
Mike Peters Service Station, 1006 Crawford Avenue, April 1957 |
Milan's Pharmacy, 1037 Drouillard Road, Interior, June 1960 |
Milano Restaurant, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Military Reserve Barracks |
Mill Street Looking East From The Intersection Of Peter Street, Sandwich |
Millionth Ford Made In Canada |
Minstrel Show |
Miss Smale |
Mission Pear Tree |
Modern Design Company, 65-67 Sandwich Street East, March 1955 |
Mollard Family Studebakers |
Mom 1941 (Mrs. Lee); Lustre Cafe |
Monarch Lucerne Sedan |
Monograph Recon Project 1987 |
Monroe Gold Cure Institute |
Montreuil Windmill |
Moppets The Clown And His Goofy Fire Truck |
More Students In The Library 1950 |
Morphological Map Of Windsor, Ont. 1940 |
Morris Dry Goods, 1012 Drouillard Road, Exterior, June 1951 |
Morris Dry Goods, 1012 Drouillard Road, Interior June 1951 |
Most Reverend Denis O'Connor |
Mother, Father, And Raymond |
Motor Products Corporation |
Motor Traffic On The Ambassador Bridge Entering Canada, Windsor, Ontario, "Canada's Rose City" |
Motor Vehicle Tunnel Between Detroit And Windsor, Canada. |
Moy House |
Mr. S. A. Tarleton With Choir Boys |
Mrs. Antoine Bondy |
Mrs. Cornish |
Mrs. Lee, Lustre Cafe |
Mrs. Pierre Gignac |
Mrs. Thomas Bondy |
Municipal Bathing Beach on Detroit River, East Windsor, Ont., Near Windsor, Canada |
Municipal Building, Sandwich, Canada |
Munro House Hotel 85-90 Pitt Street East, May 1959 |
Munsee Street, Looking East Towards Turner Road, April 1957 |
Murdock's Shady Rest |
MV Lowell Thomas World Discoverer |
Mystery Man |
Napoli Restaurant And Pizzeria |
National Grocers Company, 871 Janette Avenue, April 1960 |
Neal Baking Company Limited |
Near Sandwich, Ont. |
Near The Intersection Of University Avenue West And Crawford Avenue, Looking West, June 1961 |
New Addition Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Ont. |
New Ambassador Bridge, Detroit, Mich. |
New Boiler Room |
New Books 1975 |
New Ferry "La Salle" Between Windsor And Detroit |
New Frontier Motel |
New Metropole Supper Club |
New Post Office And Federal Building, Sandwich, Ont., Canada |
New Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Canada |
New Reader Services Offices Under Construction 1992 |
New St. Denis Hall Gymnasium |
New Staff Dining Room Exterior |
New Staff Dining Room Interior |
Niagara Street At Walker Road, Looking East, April 1957 |
Nicholas Coal Company, 636 Tecumseh Road West, May 1959 |
Nig Clarke |
Night Scene, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Detroit In The Distance |
Night View Of Detroit From Windsor, Ontario |
Night View Of Detroit, U.S.A. From Windsor, Ont. Canada |
No. 5588 "Spirit Of Windsor" 1965 |
North Campus Of University Of Windsor 1966 |
North Front Of Offices Facing River, Hiram Walker & Sons Limited |
Norton Palmer Barber Shop |
Norton Palmer Hotel, Interior 1, August 1958 |
Norton Palmer Hotel, Interior 2, August 1958 |
Norton Palmer Hotel, Windsor, Canada, 1935 |
Norton Palmer Hotel, Windsor, Canada, 1945 |
Number Of Stories Of Houses In Windsor, Ont. 1940 |
Nurses Residence, Windsor |
Oak Ridge Golf Links Club House, Sandwich, Ont. |
Oddfellows Hall, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Office Building: Hiram Walker And Sons Limited |
Office Of Hiram Walker & Sons Ltd., Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Officers Of St. Basil's Literary Society |
Offices Of Hiram Walker And Sons, Distillers, Walkerville, Ont. Canada |
Officials Laying The Corner Stone For The New Library November 6 1957 |
Old County Treasurer's Office |
Old Crown Hotel |
Old Henkel Home |
Old Palace |
Old St. Mary's Anglican Church, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Old Town Hall |
Old Wabash Railroad Station |
Oldest House In Sandwich |
Oliver Spring Service,1577 Parent Avenue, Exterior, September 1957 |
Oliver Spring Service,1577 Parent Avenue, Interior, September 1957 |
Omicron Chi |
On The Lake Shore, Near Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Ontario School, 1924: Class Photograph |
Original Assumption College 1866 |
Original Development, 800 Block, Argyle And Devonshire Roads 1913 |
Original Drawings Of Carvings And Reredos |
Original Drawings Of The End Of The Choir Pews |
Original St. Mary's Church |
Oscar Ernest Fleming |
Osterhout And Little |
Ottawa Avenue, Ford, Ontario |
Ottawa Cigar And Gift Store, 1317 Hall Avenue, Exterior, April 1959 |
Ottawa Cigar And Gift Store, 1317 Hall Avenue, Interior 1, April 1959 |
Ottawa Street Looking East, September 1959 |
Ottawa Street, Looking East, Towards Marentette Avenue, October 1956 |
Ouelette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1958 |
Ouelette Avenue Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Ouelette Avenue Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1920 |
Ouelette Avenue, Looking South, Windsor, Canada, 1908 |
Ouellette Ave, Windsor, Ont., 1920 |
Ouellette Ave. And Sandwich St., Windsor, Canada 1911 |
Ouellette Ave. At Night, Detroit In Background, 1935 |
Ouellette Ave. From Ferry Dock, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1927 |
Ouellette Ave. From The Prince Edward, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1923 |
Ouellette Ave. Looking North, Windsor, Canada, 1908 |
Ouellette Ave. looking North. Windsor, Ont., 1919 |
Ouellette Ave. Looking South From Post Office, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1928 |
Ouellette Ave. Looking South Windsor. Ont., 1920 |
Ouellette Ave. Looking South, Windsor, Ont., 1919 |
Ouellette Ave. Looking South, Windsor, Ont., 1920 |
Ouellette Ave. Looking South, Windsor, Ont., 1925 |
Ouellette Ave. Looking Towards The River, Windsor, Canada 1910 |
Ouellette Ave. South, Windsor, Canada, 1905 |
Ouellette Ave. Towards Ferry, Windsor, Canada 1907 |
Ouellette Ave., Looking South At Night, Windsor, Ont., 1930 |
Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Canada, 1952 |
Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ont. Looking North Toward Detroit, 1941 |
Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ont., Canada, Showing Detroit In The Distance, 1925 |
Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1961 |
Ouellette Avenue And Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor,Ont., Canada 1936 |
Ouellette Avenue At Night, 1959 |
Ouellette Avenue Just North Of Hanna Street, Looking South, January 1952 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking North From Sandwich Street Towards Detroit Ferry, 1913 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking North To The Detroit Skyline 1965 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking North, Windsor, Canada, 1893 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking North, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1925 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking South From Sandwich Street, 1913 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking South From Top Of Ferry Hill, Windsor, 1895 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking South, Windsor, Canada, 1920 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1914 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Ouellette Avenue Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1924 |
Ouellette Avenue Windsor, Canada, 1905 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking North Towards Pine Street, From Just North Of Giles Boulevard, December 1950 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking North, Showing Detroit In The Distance, Windsor, Ont. Canada 1925 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking North, Showing Detroit In The Distance, Windsor, Ont. Canada, 1925 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking North, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1928 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking North, Windsor, Ontario, 1937 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking South, From Between Pitt Street And Chatham Street, 1925 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking Towards Ferry Dock, Windsor, Can., 1927 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1915 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1932 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1940 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1940 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1945 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ont., 1930 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ont., 1931 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1913 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1935 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1935 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1935 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1940 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1953 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1955 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1960 |
Ouellette St., Windsor, Ont. 1914 |
Ouellette St., Windsor, Ont., 1914 |
Oulette Ave Looking North, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1937 |
Oulette Ave. Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1935 |
Oulette Ave., Windsor. Detroit In The Distance, 1936 |
Oullette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1945 |
Our Lady Of The Assumption Roman Catholic Church |
Our Lady Of The Lake Church, Walkerville, Ont. |
Packers Super Markets, 1365 Tecumseh Road East, January 1956 |
Page Fence After Nearly Four Years Use, On The Farm Of W. H. Dunning, Near Sandwich, Ontario |
Palace Bowling 871 Ottawa Street, November 1956 |
PALS Fraternity 1930: On St. Mary's Tower |
Panorama Of Windsor Water Front |
Parade At St. Mary's Church |
Parade On Ouellette Avenue October 1959 |
Parade On Sandwich Street, 1887 |
Paramount Cafeteria, Paramount Building, Windsor, Canada |
Paris Confectionery 398 Chilver Road Interior 1 January 1959 |
Paris Confectionery Interior 2 398 Chilver Road January 1959 |
Parish Residence |
Parishioners Outside St. Mary's |
Park And City Hall, Windsor, Canada. |
Park And River View, Walkerville, Ont. |
Park St. Looking West, Windsor, Ont. |
Park Street East, February 1955 |
Park Street East, Looking East Towards Goyeau Street And City Hall Square, February 1951 |
Park Street West Looking East December 1951 |
Park Street, Windsor, Canada |
Parke, Davis And Company. Office And Laboratory Buildings, Walkerville, Ont. |
Parker Motor Sales, 818 Tecumseh Road East, December 1953 |
Parking Lot On Pelissier Street February 1961 |
Parochial Residence Of St. Alphonsus Parish, Windsor, Canada |
Parochial Residence; Assumption Church, Northeast View |
Part Of Factory District, Windsor, Canada |
Partington Grocery, 1095 Partington Avenue, July 1959 |
Paterson's Drug Store, 2198 Wyandotte Street West, Exterior, March 1960 |
Paterson's Drug Store, 2198 Wyandotte Street West, Interior, March 1960 |
Path Leading Down To The Waterfront and Detroit River, Just East Of Cameron Avenue, August 1955 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Basketball Team 1942 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Boys Track And Field Team 1950 Champs |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Intermediate Track And Field W.S.S.A. Champions 1957 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Intermediate W.O.S.S.A. Track Team 1940 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Junior Basketball Champions 1941 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Junior Basketball Team Ontario Champs 1934 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Junior Track Team 1934 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Junior W.O.S.S.A. Basketball Champs 1948-1949 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Junior W.O.S.S.A. Champion Basketball Team 1938 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Ontario Basketball Champions 1947 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Rugby Champions W.O.S.S.A. 1941 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute S.W.O.S.S.A. Girls Basketball Champions 1965-1966 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute S.W.O.S.S.A. Senior A Basketball Champions 1972-1973 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Senior And Junior Track Teams 1935 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Senior Basketball Team Canadian Interscholastic Champions 1935 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Senior Girls W.S.S.A. Track And Field Champions 1961 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Senior Track Team W.O.S.S.A. Champions 1938 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Softball Champs 1935 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Track Champs 1952 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Basketball Champions 1937 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Basketball Champions 1957 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Basketball Champs 1952-1953 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Basketball Champs, Junior Boys 1940 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Intermediate And Juvenile Track Champions 1937 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Junior And Intermediate Track Champs 1939 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Junior Rugby Champions 1937 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.O.S.S.A. Senior And Juvenile Track Champions 1941 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Basketball Champions 1942 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Basketball Champions 1942-43 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Intermediate And Juvenile W.O.S.S.A. Juvenile Track Champions 1954 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Senior Basketball Champions 1941 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Softball Champions 1936 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Softball Champions 1937 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Track And Field Champions 1942 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Track Champs, W.O.S.S.A. Junior And Juvenile Champs 1946 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute WSSA Football Champs 1964 |
Paving Albert Road |
Pay Phone At 988 Parent Avenue, February 1961 |
Peabody Bridge Looking West From Devonshire Road, February 1952 |
Peabody Bridge, Looking East, February 1952 |
Peabody Bridge, Looking East, November 1950 |
Peabody Bridge, Looking West From The Middle Of The Bridge, February 1952 |
Peerless Cleaners, 1117 Tecumseh Road East, November 1950 |
Peerless Ice Cream 459 Erie Street East Interior April 1958 |
Peerless Ice Cream 459 Erie Street East Exterior 1 April 1958 |
Peerless Ice Cream 459 Erie Street East Exterior 2 April 1958 |
Peninsular Association Club, 2nd Floor, White Building, 111 Sandwich Street West, March 1955 |
Penn Central Station, Windsor |
Pere Marquette Caboose |
Pere Marquette Depot, Walkerville, Ont. |
Pere Marquette Slip Dock, Windsor, Canada |
Pere Marquette Station |
Pere Marquette Station And Employees |
Pere Marquette Station With Victoria Fountain |
Pere Marquette Station With Walker Power And Light Building And Peabody Building In Background |
Pere Marquette Station, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Physical And Applied Science Building. South Entrance, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Pie Eating Contest? |
Pig And Whistle Restaurant 950 Wyandotte Street West Exterior December 1954 |
Pig And Whistle Restaurant 950 Wyandotte Street West Interior December 1954 |
Pillette Road Looking North From Highway 2, August 1952 |
Pillette Road Looking South Towards Highway 2, August 1952 |
Pirate Athletic Club |
Pirates Base Ball Club |
Pirates Basketball Team |
Pistol Range, Windsor Police Headquarters, Interior 1, July 1957 |
Pistol Range, Windsor Police Headquarters, Interior 2, July 1957 |
Pitt St. Looking East, Windsor, Ont. |
Pitt Street And Trolley Station, Windsor, Canada |
Pitt Street Looking East, Windsor, Ont. |
Pitt Street Looking East, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Pitt Street Looking West, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Pitt Street West, Looking East From Bruce Avenue, September 1959 |
Pitt Street, Looking East, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Plan Of The Townships Of Sandwich West, East, And South 1905 |
Plant Of The Walkerville Malleable Iron Co., Limited |
Poker Walk, Leddy Library Team 2004 |
Pole Vaulting At Assumption College |
Polsky House On The Move September 1950 |
Pond's Drug Store 2000 Wyandotte Street West Exterior November 1957 |
Pond's Drug Store 2000 Wyandotte Street West Interior November 1957 |
Poole Electronic Supplies Limited 600 Wyandotte Street East February 1958 |
Pop's Confectionery, 1406 Erie Street East, Exterior 1, June 1958 |
Pop's Confectionery, 1406 Erie Street East, Exterior 2, June 1958 |
Pop's Confectionery, 1406 Erie Street East, Interior 1, June 1958 |
Post Office And Royal Bank, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Post Office, Sandwich, Canada. |
Post Office, Walkerville, Canada |
Post Office, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Post Office, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Post Office, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Post Office, Windsor, Canada |
Post Office, Windsor, Canada |
Post Office, Windsor, Canada |
Post Office, Windsor, Canada |
Post Office, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Post Office, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Post Office, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1925 |
Presbyterian Church, Windsor, Canada |
Presbyterian Church, Windsor, Canada. |
Pretty Co Eds In Music Lounge, University Centre, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Priests' Walk, Sandwich, Canada |
Prince Edward Hotel Luggage Tag |
Prince Edward Hotel Matchbook Cover |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Canada, 1947 |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ont. |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ont. |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ont. |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1925 |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Prince Edward Public School |
Prince Homestead |
Princeton Motel |
Production Room 1975 |
Proposed Main Floor Plan Of Auditorium Building. Interior |
Protestant Churches Of The Border Cities, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Province of Ontario Tourist Bureau |
Public Library |
Public Library, Windsor, Canada. |
Public Library, Windsor, Canada. |
Public Library, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Public Library, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Public School, Walkerville, Canada. |
Public Schools 1. Dougall Ave. 2. Tuscarora St. 3. Park St. 4. Cameron Ave. 5. Assumption St. 6. Louis Ave. 7. Mercer St. |
Purity Dairy, One Quart Jersey Milk |
Purple And White Staff 1926-1927 |
Purple And White Staff 1927-1928 |
Purple And White Staff 1929-1930 |
Purple Cow Jazz Club 996 Drouillard Road January 1961 |
Putting CNR No. 5588 Into Dieppe Park |
R. M. Morton & Co. |
R. Solomon, 2155 Wyandotte Street West, Exterior, December 1959 |
R. Solomon, 2155 Wyandotte Street West, Interior 1, December 1959 |
Race Track, Windsor, Canada |
Race Track, Windsor, Canada. |
Race Track, Windsor, Ont. |
Racklin Jewellers, 580 Wyandotte Street East, November 1959 |
Radio Equipped Motorcycle At Police Headquarters, Exterior 1, August 1954 |
Radio Equipped Motorcycle At Police Headquarters, Exterior 2, August 1954 |
Raffle Ticket For All Expense Trip To The King's Coronation |
Railroad Station in Windsor |
Railway Tracks And Parke Davis And Company Buildings |
Railway Tracks, Looking North From Tecumseh Road West, Just West Of Janette Avenue, May 1959 |
Ready To Cast-Off U.S. Marine Postal Service, Detroit River |
Rear Of 1737 Walker Road, Looking East From Turner Road, April 1957 |
Rear View Of Cathedral And Bishop's Palace, Sandwich |
Reaume And Son, 1573 Langlois Avenue, Exterior, January 1958 |
Reaume And Son, 1573 Langlois Avenue, Interior, January 1958 |
Record Building |
Refectory |
Reference And Periodicals Reading Room 1958 |
Reference Collection 2000 |
Reference Help Centre 1993 |
Reference Help Centre 2000 |
Reference Library 1930 |
Registration |
Remains Of The Original Assumption College Building |
Remodelling Old St. Denis Hall |
Rendezvous Tavern, 7324 Riverside Drive, Riverside, Ont. |
Repairing A Wagon Wheel |
Reserve Reading Room 1975 |
Reserve Reading Room 1992 |
Residence Of Israel J. Splitlog |
Residence Of J. E. D'Avignon, Esq., Victoria Ave., Windsor; Residence Of John Davis, Esq., Windsor |
Residence Of Mr. E. C. Walker |
Residence Of W. M. Robins, Esq., Walkerville; Residence of Thos. Reid, Esq., Walkerville |
Residential Section, Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ont., 1924 |
Residential Section, Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1942 |
Rev. Clarence Foreman |
Rev. H. M. Lang-Ford |
Rev. H. M. Lang-Ford 2 |
Reverend Austin Edwards DuPlan |
Reverend Clarence Wardlaw Foreman |
Reverend Frank Cuthbert McRitchie |
Reverend McRitchie Reading The Bible |
Richmond, Later Windsor 1835 |
Right Reverend Maurice S. Baldwin, D. D., Third Bishop Of Huron |
River Scene, Detroit, Mich. |
Riverside Drive West, Looking East, From Just West Of McKay Avenue, November 1961 |
Road To Tecumseh Town |
Roman Catholic Churches Of The Border Cities, Ont., Canada |
Ronald Morand And Charles Lee |
Rose Garden, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1945 |
Rose's Furniture Warehouse 459 McDougall Street October 1956 |
Rosedale Avenue Looking Northeast Towards The Intersection Of University Avenue And Riverside Drive September 1960 |
Rotunda, Dillon Hall, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Rough Map Showing Extent Of Assumption College Property And Location Of Present Buildings 1945 |
Round Up Snack Bar 4315 Seminole Street, Looking West October 1954 |
Routley's Motor Court |
Routley's Motor Court - Highway 2 at Walker Rd., Windsor, Canada |
Rowland And O'Brien Bakery 2260 And 2268 London Street West, Exterior 1 February 1957 |
Rowland And O'Brien Bakery 2260 And 2268 London Street West, Exterior 2 February 1957 |
Royal Athletic Club Baseball Team |
Royal Bank of Canada, Windsor |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Headquarters October 1956 |
Royal Motel |
Royal Oak Hotel |
Royal Tour In Windsor |
Royal Visit To Windsor, 1959 |
Royal Windsor Garage, 334-364 Dougall Avenue, December 1952 |
Royal Windsor Garage, 334-364 Dougall Avenue, December 1958 |
Royal Windsor Garage, 334-364 Dougall Avenue, Interior, December 1958 |
Royal Windsor Garage, 334-364 Dougall Avenue, January 1950 |
Royal Windsor Ramp Garage |
Rugby Team 1930 |
Rural Scene Near Sandwich, Ont. |
Ryan Builders Supplies, November 1952 |
S.S. Hamonic, Windsor, Ontario |
S.S. Noronic, Windsor |
S.S. South American On The Detroit River |
S.S. Thomas Cole |
Sabotage At The Peabody Building |
Sailors Marching Down Ouellette Avenue On V-J Day, August 15th, 1945 |
Saint Mary's Anglican Church, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Saint Mary's Memorial Church (Anglican) Walkerville |
Salvation Army Grace Hospital, Windsor, Ontario |
Sam's Department Store, Gladstone Avenue, April 1951 |
Sam's Radio And T.V. Service, 857 Wyandotte Street East, November 1959 |
Sandwich And Brock Streets, Sandwich, Ont. |
Sandwich And Windsor 1879 |
Sandwich Association Foot Ball Team |
Sandwich Base Ball Club 1905 |
Sandwich Branch No. 20 Of The Canadian Canneries Limited |
Sandwich Canal Near Windsor, Ont. |
Sandwich Canal, Lagoon Park, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Sandwich Court House |
Sandwich Fish Hatchery |
Sandwich Floral Carriage |
Sandwich Plant Of The Pittsburgh Coal Co., Sandwich, Ont. |
Sandwich Provisions, 3499 Sandwich Street West, Exterior, March 1959 |
Sandwich Provisions, 3499 Sandwich Street West, Interior, March 1959 |
Sandwich Public School |
Sandwich Public School, Bedford St., Sandwich, Ont., Canada |
Sandwich Schools And Churches 1. Assumption College 2. Church Of The Assumption 3. St. John's Episcopal Church 4. Public School 5. Sandwich Methodist Church 6. St. Francis Separate School |
Sandwich St. Looking West, Windsor, Canada, 1907 |
Sandwich St. Looking West, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Sandwich St. Looking West, Windsor, Ont., 1919 |
Sandwich St. Showing Our Lady Of The Lake Church, Ford, Ont. |
Sandwich St., Walkerville, Canada |
Sandwich St., Windsor, Canada, 1904 |
Sandwich Street (South Side) Looking East From Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, 1895 |
Sandwich Street (South Side) Looking West From Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, 1895 |
Sandwich Street And Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1911 |
Sandwich Street At Corner Ouellette, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1926 |
Sandwich Street East Looking West, From Sterling Construction Company, February 1952 |
Sandwich Street East, Looking East From Just West Of Gladstone Avenue, April 1957 |
Sandwich Street East, Looking East From Sterling Construction Company, February 1952 |
Sandwich Street East, Looking East Towards The Intersection With Strabane Avenue, February 1951 |
Sandwich Street East, Looking West Towards Rossini Boulevard, 1950 |
Sandwich Street Looking East From Ferry St. Windsor, 1895 |
Sandwich Street Looking East From Ouellette Avenue, 1913 |
Sandwich Street Looking East, Windsor, Canada. |
Sandwich Street Looking South, From North Of Brock Street, August 1951 |
Sandwich Street Looking Towards The Economy Lunch Where Paul Boroff Used To Work |
Sandwich Street Looking West From Ouellette Avenue, 1913 |
Sandwich Street Looking West, Windsor, Canada, 1907 |
Sandwich Street Shops, 1865 |
Sandwich Street West At The Hydro Plant, Looking East, April 1956 |
Sandwich Street West At The Hydro Plant, Looking West, April 1956 |
Sandwich Street West Looking East From Just West Of The Intersection With Chippewa Street November 1950 |
Sandwich Street West, Looking East, Between Chippawa Street And South Street, June 1952 |
Sandwich Street West, Looking East, From Just East Of Cameron Avenue, March 1954 |
Sandwich Street West, Looking South, From Just East Of Detroit Street, May 1953 |
Sandwich Street West, Looking West, Between Mill Street And Brock Street, April 1953 |
Sandwich Street, Looking East, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Sandwich Street, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Sandwich Street, West, Windsor, Ont., 1912 |
Sandwich Street, West, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Sandwich Street, Windsor, Canada, 1907 |
Sandwich Street, Windsor, Canada, 1912 |
Sandwich Street, Windsor, Canada, 1916 |
Sandwich Street, Windsor, Canada, c.1908 |
Sandwich Street, Windsor, in 1863 |
Sandwich Street, Windsor, Ont., 1907 |
Sandwich Views 1. Teachers' Training School 2. Sandwich Golf Club 3. Post Office 4. Court House 5. Town Hall |
Sandwich Waterfront 1, 1930 |
Sandwich Waterfront 2, 1930 |
Sandwich, Windsor, And Amherstburg Railway |
Sandwich, Windsor, And Amherstburg Railway Company Bus Ticket |
Sandwich, Windsor, And Amherstburg Railway Company Ticket |
Sandwich, Windsor, And Amherstburg Railway Ticket Office, 435 Mill Street, May 1957 |
Santa Pays A Visit To The Library 1976 |
Scale Model Of Campus Of The Future, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario |
Scales And Roberts Mercury Truck Parked At Windsor Police Headquarters, Traffic Division, On Windsor Avenue, November 1959 |
Scene From River To Cathedral |
Scene On Bedford Street, Sandwich, During The Fenian Troubles On The Essex Frontier |
Schools Of The Border Cities, Ont., Canada |
Schools. Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Seagrave Family Mausoleum In Windsor Grove Cemetery |
Seaway Inn |
Section of Sunken Gardens, Jackson Park, Windsor, Ontario. |
Section Of The Detroit River Tunnel In Tow Down St. Clair River |
Security Office Bldg., Windsor, Can. |
Seed Corn House On Walker's Farm |
Selecting Books For The Library 1975 |
Semet-Solvay Coke, Easy Inexpensive Clean Heating, The Whole Story |
Seminole Street At The Ford Gates, Looking East, April 1951 |
Seminole Street At The Ford Gates, Looking West, April 1951 |
Senior Locker Room |
Senior Study Hall |
Senior Study, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Separate Schools 1. St. Edmunds 2. Sacred Heart 3. St. Alphonsus 4. St. Francis |
Serbian Orthodox Church Gratchanitza, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Serbian Orthodox Church Under Construction, Looking East, April 1952 |
Serbian Orthodox Church Under Construction, Looking South Along Meldrum Road, April 1952 |
Serials Check-In 1975 |
Service At St. Mary's Cemetery |
Shanfield Jewellers, 188-190 Ouellette Avenue, September 1957 |
Ship Unloading Gravel at Sterling Gravel And Supplies |
Shore Acres, Windsor, Canada. |
Side Altar |
Side Entrance Of St. Alphonsus Separate School, October 1956 |
Sigal Brothers, 1493 Union Street, Looking West, March 1961 |
Silverwood's Softball Team 1 |
Silverwood's Softball Team 2 |
Silverwood's Softball Team 3 |
Sinking Of The Montrose 1 |
Sinking Of The Montrose 2 |
Sinking Of The Montrose 3 |
Size Of House Lots In Windsor, Ont. 1940 |
Skyline Of Detroit, Mich. From Windsor, Ont. |
Skyscrapers Of the Border Cities |
Sleigh Riders |
Slide |
Snihur Confectionery, 1802 George Avenue, April 1959 |
Snihur Confectionery, Front Door, 1802 George Avenue, April 1959 |
Soldiers And Senator Casgrain |
Some Of The Factories Of The Border Cities, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Soup Kitchen |
South Campus |
South Side of Campus |
South Side Of Church |
Southeast Corner Of University Avenue West And Pelissier Street, October 1960 |
Spinsters of T 3A Dressmaking |
Spirit of Windsor C.N.R. Engine |
SS John Kendall |
St. Adolphus Church, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
St. Alphonsus School, Windsor, Ont. |
St. Clair College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
St. Clare's Roman Catholic Church, Tecumseh Rd. W., Windsor, Canada |
St. Denis Hall |
St. Denis Hall Interior 2, c.1945 |
St. Denis Hall Interior 3, c. 1945 |
St. Denis Hall Interior, c.1945 |
St. Denis Sports Hall, University of Windsor |
St. Francis Roman Catholic Separate School |
St. John Ambulance Assocation Ontario Provincial Championship 1926 |
St. John's Anglican Church, Bedford Street, Sandwich, Ont., Canada |
St. John's Church (Anglican) Sandwich |
St. John's Church Interior |
St. Joseph Church, Windsor |
St. Joseph Church, Windsor. Interior |
St. Joseph Elementary School, 869 Jos Janisse Avenue, May 1956 |
St. Luke Road Between Milloy Street And Alice Street, Looking North, May 1951 |
St. Luke Road Looking South Towards The Essex Terminal Railway Tracks And Seminole Street, April 1961 |
St. Luke Road Looking South Towards The Essex Terminal Railway Tracks And Seminole Street, December 1950 |
St. Luke Road Looking South, From Between Alice Street And Milloy Street, December 1950 |
St. Luke Road, Looking North, December 1950 |
St. Mary's Academy Buildings |
St. Mary's Academy, 1913 |
St. Mary's Academy, Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ont. |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Canada, 1909 |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Canada, 1945 |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Ont. |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Ontario, 1881 |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 7, 1940 |
St. Mary's Academy, Windsor; The Grotto At St. Mary's Academy; St. Mary's Memorial Church; Assumption College, Windsor |
St. Mary's Altar |
St. Mary's Anglican Church |
St. Mary's Anglican Church Choir, Walkerville, Ontario |
St. Mary's Cemetery |
St. Mary's Choir |
St. Mary's Choir 1932 |
St. Mary's Choir 1951 |
St. Mary's Church |
St. Mary's Church In Winter |
St. Mary's Church Interior |
St. Mary's Church Interior 1904 |
St. Mary's Church Interior With Lectern And Windows |
St. Mary's Church Looking Northeast |
St. Mary's Church Looking Towards The Doors |
St. Mary's Church Tower, 1923 |
St. Mary's Church Under Construction |
St. Mary's Church Under Construction 2 |
St. Mary's Church, 1922 |
St. Mary's Church, 1924 |
St. Mary's Church, c.1910 |
St. Mary's Church, Episcopal, Walkerville, Canada |
St. Mary's Church, Walkerville |
St. Mary's Church, Walkerville, Ont. |
St. Mary's Church, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
St. Mary's Church, West Side |
St. Mary's Church, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
St. Mary's Episcopal Church Cigarette Card |
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
St. Mary's Gate Looking West |
St. Mary's Memorial Church, Walkerville, Ont. |
St. Mary's Memorial Church, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. 11. |
St. Mary's Women's Auxiliary |
St. Mary's Youth Group |
St. Michael's Hall |
St. Michael's Hall 1920 |
Stained Walls |
Standard Foundry And Supply Company, 840 Walker Road, April 1960 |
Standard Paint And Varnish Co., Limited |
Statler Motel |
Steam Locomotive CNR 6211 |
Steamer "Britannia" On The River, Detroit, Mich. |
Steamer "Tashmoo" at Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Steamer Greater Detroit |
Steamer St. Claire, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Stein, Louis, Grocer, 700 Brock Street, January 1958 |
Sterling Building Materials |
Sterling Building Materials Aerial View |
Sterling Construction Company Limited, Windsor, Ontario |
Sterling Crescent Construction |
Sterling Drug Manufacturing 1019 Elliott Street West, April 1957 |
Sterling Ready Mix Concrete Company |
Sterling Ready Mix Concrete Company 2 |
Sterling Ready Mixers Lacrosse Team |
Stodgell's Confectionery |
Storm On Campus Looking South 1996 |
Storm On Campus Looking West 1996 |
Str Huron. Windsor, Ont. |
Street Scene In Windsor, 1893 |
Street View, Hiram Walker And Sons, Limited |
Streetcar Track Repairs On Wyandotte Street East |
Studebaker Champion Club Sedan; Studebaker Commander Cruising Sedan; Studebaker President Coupe |
Studebaker Corporation Of Canada, Limited |
Studebaker Dealer |
Student Gathering Books From The Stacks 1962 |
Student Hanging Out Of A Window Of St. Michael's Hall |
Student In The Stacks 1971 |
Student Room |
Student Room, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Student Studying in the Library 1954 |
Student Studying On The Second Floor Of Leddy 2000 |
Students Chapel, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Students Experimenting In Cell Physiology |
Students In Silhouette Studying On The Third Floor Of Leddy West 2000 |
Students In The Library 1950 |
Students Outside The University Library 1972 |
Students Studying In Assumption College Library 1930 |
Students Studying In The Library 1941 |
Students Studying in the Library 1954 |
Students Studying In The Library 1957 |
Students Studying In The Library 1959 |
Students Studying In The Library 1960 |
Students Studying In The Library 1971 |
Students Studying On The First Floor, West Building 1975 |
Students Studying On The Third Floor Of Leddy West 2000 |
Students Studying On The Third Floor Of The University Library 1959 |
Students Swimming At Assumption College |
Students Using The Research Databases On CdRom 1993 |
Successful Hunting Trip |
Sugar Bowl Softball Team |
Sundial, Jackson Park, Windsor, Ont. |
Sunken Garden, Jackson Park |
Sunken Garden, Jackson Park, And Kennedy Collegiate, Windsor, Canada. |
Sunken Gardens, Jackson Park And Kennedy College, Windsor |
Sunnyside Hotel, LaSalle, Ont. |
Super Tann's Service Softball Team |
Supertest Service Station Exterior 1290 Tecumseh Road East August 1960 |
Supertest Service Station Interior 1290 Tecumseh Road East August 1960 |
Supply Lunch 371 McDougall Street April 1955 |
SW&A Garage 2, October 1949 |
SW&A Garage, October 1949 |
Swedish Crucible Steel Company |
Swimming At Ford City Bathing Beach |
Swimming At Ford City Bathing Beach 2 |
Swimming In Lake St. Clair? |
Swimming Pool At Assumption College |
Swimming Pool At Mic Mac Park, Looking East, August 1961 |
Swimming Pool At Mic Mac Park, Looking Northeast, August 1961 |
Swimming Pool At Mic Mac Park, Looking West, August 1961 |
Sydney A. Tarleton |
T. C. Holgate Auctioneer, 379 Chatham Street East, July 1959 |
T.C.A. Viscount At Windsor Airport Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Tamar Building Products Ltd. |
Tante Bilise |
Tearing Down Part Of O'Neil Bernhardt Furniture Store |
Technical School, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1923 |
Technical School, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1926 |
Tecumseh Road East At Durham Place, Looking West, August 1951 |
Tecumseh Road East At The Intersection Of Gladstone Avenue, Looking East, January 1950 |
Tecumseh Road East, Looking East, Near The Intersection With Olive Road, June 1961 |
Tecumseh Road East, Looking West, From Near Aubin Road, March 1953 |
Tecumseh Road West Looking West Towards Prince Road And Matchette Road, June 1952 |
Temple Tavern, 2756 Charles Street, June 1961 |
Tennis Courts |
Teno Brothers Service Station, 2465 Riverside Drive East, Exterior, July 1958 |
Teno Brothers Service Station, 2465 Riverside Drive East, Interior, July 1958 |
Teno's Toggery, 1326 Wyandotte Street East, Exterior July 1956 |
Teno's Toggery, 1326 Wyandotte Street East, Interior July 1956 |
Theodule Girardot, Esquire |
Thibodeau Express Yard, 1845 Walker Road, June 1956 |
This Year At U.W. 1963 |
Three Bears Inn 1415 Huron Line February 1951 |
Three Young Women In Bathing Suits Having Their Photo Taken |
Threesome at Willistead Park |
Tired Of Waiting For Hot Water? |
Tobacco Field, Sandwich, Ont. |
Top Hat Supper Club |
Toronto Dominion Bank Exterior, 600 Ouellette Avenue, November 1959 |
Toronto Dominion Bank Interior 1, 600 Ouellette Avenue, November 1959 |
Toronto Dominion Bank Interior 2, 600 Ouellette Avenue, November 1959 |
Tower, Holy Names College And St. Mary's Academy, Windsor |
Town Hall, Ford City, Ont. |
Town Of Windsor. Sandwich 1882 |
Traffic Blocking Ouellette Avenue During V-J Day Celebrations, August 15th, 1945 |
Transfer Of The Great Lakes And IJC Collections To Leddy Library, 1993 |
Tree At St. Joe's Orphanage, Windsor |
Tree Planting Ceremony 1954 |
Trussed Concrete Steel Co. |
Tunnel At International Boundary Line |
Tunnel Bar B Q Limited |
Tunnel Bar B Q Limited |
Tunnel Bar B Q Restaurant |
Tunnel Bar-B-Q Delivery Car July 1958 |
Tunnel Between Windsor, Canada And Detroit, U.S.A. |
Tunnel Between Windsor, Ontario And Detroit, Michigan |
Tunnel Between Windsor, Ontario And Detroit, Michigan |
Tunnel Bus And Cars In The Detroit Windsor Tunnel, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Tunnel Busses, In Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Tunnel Entrance |
Tunnel Entrance To Detroit, Windsor, Canada |
Tunnel Entrance, Windsor, Canada |
Tunnel Entrance, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Tunnel Passenger Exit, April 1957 |
Tunnel Plaza From The Air, Windsor, 1935 |
Tunnel Plaza From The Air, Windsor, Canada, 1935 |
Tunnel Plaza Showing Windsor Skyline |
Tunnel Plaza, Windsor, Canada |
Tunnel Plaza, Windsor, Canada, 1947 |
Tunnel Plaza, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Tunnel Plaza, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Tunnel Plaza, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Turner Road, Looking North Towards Seneca Street, April 1957 |
Tuscarora Street Looking West From Between Mercer Street And McDougall Avenue, September 1952 |
TV Studio |
Two Poor Fishes |
Two Students Studying At Carrels 1975 |
Two Students Studying In The Library 1954 |
Two Students Studying In the Library 1975 |
Typing Orders 1975 |
U.S.M. Steamer Bielman U.S. Marine Postal Service, Detroit River |
United Auto Workers Hall, 42 Chatham Street East, Back Alley, December 1957 |
United Auto Workers Hall, 42 Chatham Street East, January 1958 |
University Avenue Looking East, From Just West Of Crawford Avenue, August 1960 |
University Avenue Looking East, September 1959 |
University Avenue Looking West At Intersection With Riverside Drive and Rosedale Avenue, September 1960 |
University Avenue West, Looking East From Just West Of Church Street, May 1958 |
University Avenue West, Looking West, Just East Of Crawford Avenue August 1960 |
University Centre |
University Centre Looking Northwest |
University Centre. Cafeteria |
University Centre. Essex Lounge |
University Library Entrance 1972 |
University Library Looking Northeast 1968 |
University Library Under Construction |
University Library, Assumption University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1960 |
University Library. Assumption University of Windsor 1958 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1962 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1963 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1967 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1969 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1970 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1972 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1979 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1982 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1984 |
University of Windsor Campus Map 1996 April |
University Of Windsor Campus Map 2000 And Bookstore |
University Of Windsor Campus Map 2012 |
University Of Windsor Campus Map 2017 August |
University Of Windsor Campus Map 2018 August |
University Of Windsor Campus Map 2019 April |
University Of Windsor Campus Map 2019 August |
University of Windsor Faculty of Law Building |
University of Windsor Faculty of Law Building Under Construction |
University of Windsor Library Punch Cards 1965 |
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1963 |
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. University Centre |
University of Windsor. Faculty of Education Building |
University Of Windsor. Faculty Of Human Kinetics Building |
University Of Windsor. Faculty Of Law Building |
Unknown Building In Walkerville |
Unknown Building In Walkerville 2 |
Unveiling Of The Memorial Fountain, On Victoria Day, 1906. Windsor, Canada |
Unveiling Of The New LUIS Online Catalogue 1987 |
Upper Portion Of Belle Isle, Peche Island And Canadian Shore, As Seen From An Aeroplane, Detroit, Mich. |
Using The Library Of Congress Catalogues 1975 |
Using The Microfiche Readers 1975 |
Vanier Hall Under Construction January 31st, 1969 |
Vanier Hall Under Construction May 1969 |
Vendome Hotel |
Vezina Jewellers, 409 Ouellette Avenue, February 1961 |
Victoria Ave. Looking North Windsor, Ont. |
Victoria Ave. Windsor, Canada |
Victoria Ave., Windsor, Canada |
Victoria Avenue Just South Of Ann Street |
Victoria Avenue Looking North From Wyandotte Street |
Victoria Avenue Public School: Class Photograph 1927 |
Victoria Avenue, Windsor Canada, 1914 |
Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Canada |
Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Canada |
Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1912 |
Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Canada. |
Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Ont. |
Victoria Road Looking South From Niagara, Walkerville, Ont. |
Victoria, Windsor, Canada |
Victory Bond Drive 1943 |
Victory Bond Drive Ford City |
View From The Campus 1920 |
View From The Front Porch Of The Library 1967 |
View From The Tower Of Walkerville Fire Hall |
View Of Detroit |
View Of Detroit From Windsor, Ontario. |
View of Ferry Landing, 1930 |
View Of Houses On Crawford Avenue From The Roof Of Wonder Bakeries July 1953 |
View Of Park, Walkerville, Ont. |
View Of South Campus Looking North 1930 |
View On Devonshire Road, Walkerville, Canada |
Views Of Windsor, Scene From The Ferry Dock 1899 |
Village Inn? |
Visit Of 48th Highlanders (Toronto) To Walkerville |
Visit Of Canadian Playwright James Reaney 1995 |
Vollan's Mills |
W. E. Seagrave And Co. |
W. M. Walker |
W.C.I. Boys Basketball WOSSA Champs c.1920 |
W.C.I. Champions Of Essex And Kent, Rugby Team 1912 |
W.C.I. Rugby Champs 1920 |
W.C.I. Soccer 1923 |
W.F.C. Team |
Walker Airport Near Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Walker Road At Niagara Street, Looking South, April 1957 |
Walker Road Between Seminole Street And Munsee Street, October 1953 |
Walker Road Crossing In Winter |
Walker Road Crossing: C.N. Engine In Winter |
Walker Road Just South Of Ypres Avenue, Looking North August 1950 |
Walker Road Looking North From Richmond Street, May 1950 |
Walker Road Looking South Towards The Intersection With Richmond Street, May 1950 |
Walker Road, Looking North, Towards Tecumseh Road East, March 1952 |
Walker Sons Tobacco Farm |
Walker Sons Tobacco Farm Payday |
Walker Sons Tobacco Farm Ready To Fitt The Land |
Walker's Offices, Walkerville, Canada |
Walkerville & Detroit Ferry Co Ticket |
Walkerville 1909 |
Walkerville Baptist Choir, 1928 |
Walkerville Boat Club |
Walkerville Boat Club, Walkerville, Canada |
Walkerville Boat Club, Walkerville, Canada, Front |
Walkerville Brewing Company Limited |
Walkerville Collegiate Cadet Corp |
Walkerville Collegiate Institute Boys Basketball Team 1925 |
Walkerville Collegiate Institute Boys Soccer Team 1925 |
Walkerville Collegiate Institute, Walkerville, Ont., Canada |
Walkerville Collegiate: Ontario Girls High School Basketball Champs, 1925 |
Walkerville Distillery Schedule Of Buildings Erected 1871-1872 |
Walkerville Exchange |
Walkerville Ferry |
Walkerville Ferry Dock |
Walkerville Fire Hall |
Walkerville Football Club 1926-1927 |
Walkerville House |
Walkerville Junction |
Walkerville Lumber |
Walkerville Lumber Staff |
Walkerville Ontario 1884 |
Walkerville Post Office |
Walkerville Showing Corner Of Ottawa And Walker |
Walkerville Tech Boys Basketball Team 1926? |
Walkerville Tech Boys Basketball Team 1927 |
Walkerville Tech Hockey Team |
Walkerville Tennis Club |
Walkerville Waterfront 1909 |
Walkerville, Ont., Canada: Kildare Road, The Ferry, St. Mary's Gate |
Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. The Home Of "Canadian Club" Whisky. Distillery Offices, Directors' Lunch Room. |
Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. The Home Of "Canadian Club" Whisky. Distillery Offices, Malt Houses And Grain Elevator |
Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. The Home Of "Canadian Club" Whisky. Distillery Offices. Pergola |
Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. The Home Of "Canadian Club" Whisky. Maturing Warehouses |
Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. The Home Of "Canadian Club" Whisky. One Of The Bottling Rooms |
Walkerville, Ontario, Canada. The Home Of Canadian Club Whisky. St. Mary's Church, A Memorial To Mr. And Mrs. Hiram Walker |
Wanted For The Theft Of Three Thousand Dollars |
War Memorial, Windsor, Can. |
Warehouses And Bottling Dept.: Hiram Walker And Sons Limited |
Wartime Housing 1949-50 CMHC |
Water Front, Detroit, Mich. |
Water Front, Walkerville, Canada. |
Water Front, Windsor, Canada, 1912 |
Waterworks, Windsor, Canada |
Webster Motors, Windsor Avenue, Looking North, August 1953 |
Wedding Photograph Of Joseph J. Seguin And Annie Campeau |
Welcome to Canada |
Welcome Travellers Motel |
Welcome Travellers Motel |
Wellington Avenue Looking North, From Just South Of The Intersection Of Wellington Avenue And College Avenue, September 1949 |
Wellington Avenue, Looking South, From Just North Of Wyandotte Street West, June 1953 |
Wellington Tavern 1159 Elliott Street West, December 1958 |
West Bound Tube Detroit River Tunnel Subaqueous Section Through Which Michigan Central Trains Run Detroit, Mich. |
West End Methodist Church. Windsor. Ont., Canada |
Western District Grammar School |
Western Junior Champions And Ontario Champions 1928 Walkerville Chicklets |
Western Meat And Grocery 1296 Westcott Road August 1958 |
Western Ontario Junior Champions 1929 |
Whaleback, Windsor, Canada |
Where They Eat, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Wherever You Light, Use Hydro Long Life Lamps |
White Building, 111 Riverside Drive West, December 1957 |
White Building, 111 Sandwich Street West, March 1955 |
William Dollar Standing By The New Library |
William G. Hall Residence |
William Hands Homestead |
William Hull |
Willistead Library And Art Gallery |
Willistead Library and Art Gallery, Windsor, Canada |
Willistead Library And Art Gallery, Windsor, Ontario |
Willistead Library And Art Gallery, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Willistead Manor 1 |
Willistead Manor 1921 |
Willistead Manor 1927 |
Willistead Manor 2 |
Willistead Manor 3 |
Willistead Manor, Walkerville |
Willistead Park |
Willistead Public Library, Windsor, Canada |
Willistead With Fountain |
Willistead, Residence Of Mr. E. C. Walker, Walkerville, Ont. |
Willistead, Walkerville, Ont. |
Windsor - Detroit River Front 1965 |
Windsor Airport |
Windsor Airport Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Windsor Airport, Windsor, Canada |
Windsor Alumnae Basketball Team |
Windsor and Detroit Ferry, Windsor, Canada |
Windsor Armouries |
Windsor Avenue And City Hall, Windsor, Canada |
Windsor Avenue Looking North, Windsor, Canada |
Windsor Avenue Looking South Towards The Intersection With Tecumseh Road, June 1950 |
Windsor Avenue, Looking North, October 1957 |
Windsor Avenue, Looking South Towards Wyandotte Street East, August 1953 |
Windsor Avenue, Showing City Hall, Windsor, Canada |
Windsor Bathing Beach, Windsor, Ont. |
Windsor Bulldogs Outside Windsor Arena |
Windsor Castle |
Windsor Central Collegiate Institute Track Team 1930 |
Windsor Collegiate |
Windsor Collegiate Alumni Basketball Team At Station |
Windsor Collegiate Alumni Basketball Team In Action |
Windsor Collegiate Alumni Basketball Team In Uniform |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Boys Baseball Team 1919 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Boys Basket Ball Team 1905 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Boys Basketball Champions 1911 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Boys Basketball Champs 1908-1909 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Boys Basketball Team 1924-1925 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Boys Rugby Team 1917 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Boys Soccer Team 1896 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Girls Basketball Team 1905 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Junior W.O.S.S.A. Rugby Champions 1928 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Track Team 1927 And 1928 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute Track Team 1929 |
Windsor Collegiate Institute W.S.S.A. Football Champs 1946-1947 |
Windsor Detroit Tunnel, Canada |
Windsor Drive, Windsor, Ont., Can. |
Windsor Entrance Detroit. Windsor Tunnel And Prince Edward Hotel |
Windsor Exchange Of The Bell Telephone Company |
Windsor Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1912 |
Windsor Fire Fighters Field Day |
Windsor Ford V-8 Canadian Senior Basketball Champions 1936 |
Windsor Ford V-8s Basketball Team |
Windsor Fords And Edmonton Grads At Berlin 1936 |
Windsor Gas Company, Limited [Exterior] |
Windsor Gas Company, Limited [Interior] |
Windsor Hall, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario. |
Windsor Harbour Commissioners Building October 1959 |
Windsor House Hotel, 156 Windsor Avenue, April 1955 |
Windsor Junior Titans Baseball Team |
Windsor M&G Club |
Windsor Macedonian Club 17 Ouellette Avenue May 1955 |
Windsor Map 1944-1945 |
Windsor Market On A Busy Day, Windsor, Canada |
Windsor Market, Intersection Of McDougall Street And Chatham Street East, Looking Northwest, March 1960 |
Windsor Match Plate Company, 1125 Westcott Road, July 1957 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Exterior Back, City Hall Square, February 1961 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Exterior Front, City Hall Square, February 1961 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Interior 1, Courtroom, City Hall Square, November 1955 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Interior 2, Courtroom, City Hall Square, November 1955 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Interior 3, Lobby, City Hall Square, November 1955 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Interior 4, Lobby, City Hall Square, November 1955 |
Windsor Police Annual Inspection On The Riverfront October 1958 |
Windsor Police Annual Inspection On The Riverfront, Looking West, October 1958 |
Windsor Police Annual Inspection, Marching East Along Riverside Drive West October 1958 |
Windsor Police Car Number Nine, Exterior, June 1955 |
Windsor Police Car Number Nine, Interior, June 1955 |
Windsor Police Headquarters Main Cell Block, Interior 2, September 1957 |
Windsor Police Headquarters Main Cell Block, Interior 3, September 1957 |
Windsor Police Motorcycle August 1958 |
Windsor Police Motorcycle Squad in Jackson Park 2, Summer 1956 |
Windsor Police Motorcycle Squad in Jackson Park, Summer 1956 |
Windsor Police Motorcycle Squad, October 1959 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 1, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 2, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 3, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 4, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 5, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room, Interior 1, December 1959 |
Windsor Police Radio Room, Interior 2, December 1959 |
Windsor Police Radio Room, Interior 3, December 1959 |
Windsor Police Radio Room, Interior 4, December 1959 |
Windsor Police Sanitation Squad Near Police Headquarters Exterior 1 March 1958 |
Windsor Police Sanitation Squad Near Police Headquarters Exterior 2 March 1958 |
Windsor Police Traffic Division Buildings, Exterior 1, December 1954 |
Windsor Police Traffic Division Buildings, Exterior 2, December 1954 |
Windsor Police Traffic Division Buildings, Exterior 3, December 1954 |
Windsor Police Traffic Division Buildings. Garage. Interior 1, December 1954 |
Windsor Police Traffic Division Buildings. Garage. Interior 2, December 1954 |
Windsor Police Traffic Division Buildings. Interior 1, December 1954 |
Windsor Police Traffic Division Buildings. Interior 2, December 1954 |
Windsor Police Wigle Park Inspection May 1952 |
Windsor Race Track, Summer Meeting, 1913 |
Windsor Race Track, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Windsor Raceway, Windsor, Ontario |
Windsor Residences 1. Hedley V. Taylor 2. Gordon M. McGregor 3. J. A. Straith 4. Rev. J. C. Tolmie |
Windsor Residences 1. W. Boug 2. A. L. Irion 3. Geo. Mair 4. John R. Boyd |
Windsor Rovers Football Club |
Windsor Steam Laundry |
Windsor Sterling Soccer Team |
Windsor Terminal Plaza, Detroit-Windsor Tunnel |
Windsor To Toronto First Regular Official Flight |
Windsor Tunnel Plaza, October 1956 |
Windsor Turned Goods Company, Ltd. |
Windsor Utilities Commission, Hydro Division, Truck No. 110, October 1951 |
Windsor Waterfront |
Windsor Waterfront At Cameron Avenue August 1955 |
Windsor Waterfront Between Ouellette Avenue And Ferry Street, February 1957 |
Windsor West Methodist Church and Parsonage |
Windsor Yacht Club 4500 Riverside Drive East April 1957 |
Windsor Yacht Club, Windsor, Ont. |
Windsor-Detroit Tunnel Plaza, Windsor, Ont. |
Windsor-Walkerville Technical School |
Windsor, Ont. 1876 And Windsor, Ont. 1872 |
Windsor, Ont. 1885 |
Windsor, Ont. 1896 |
Windsor, Ont. Building Construction 1935-1941 |
Windsor, Ont. Commercial Areas 1940 |
Windsor, Ont. First And Third Class Residences 1940 |
Windsor, Ont. Industrial Areas 1940 |
Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Windsor, Ontario Skyline From Detroit, Mich. |
Windsor, Ontario, 1958 |
Windsor, Ontario, Airport |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Windsor, Ontario, Canada: Ouellette Avenue 1968 |
Windsor, Ontario, The Modern New City Hall |
Windsor, Ontario. Ambassador Bridge. Detroit, Michigan |
Windsor, Ward 1, November 1957 |
Wolf's Hotel |
Wonder Bakeries Exterior 337 Salter Avenue July 1953 |
Woodall Brothers Construction Company, 1711 Walker Road, September 1950 |
Work On Essex Terminal At Ojibway, November 15th 1913 |
Workers At S. H. Camp And Company Of Canada |
Wyandotte And Walker Road Driving North |
Wyandotte Street At Windemere Road |
Wyandotte Street East At Lawrence Road, Looking East, December 1952 |
Wyandotte Street East At Lawrence Road, Looking West, December 1952 |
Wyandotte Street East At Montreuil Avenue, Looking West, May 1950 |
Wyandotte Street East, Looking West From Just East Of Kildare Road, June 1950 |
Wyandotte Street East, Looking West From Just East Of Pratt Place, December 1951 |
Wyandotte Street East, Looking West Towards Raymo Road, February 1951 |
Wyandotte Street Looking West, Walkerville, Canada |
Wyandotte Street Looking West, Walkerville, Ontario |
Wyandotte Street School, Windsor, Canada. |
Wyandotte Street West, Looking West, From Just East Of Crawford Avenue, April 1957 |
Wyandotte Street, Looking West |
Wyandotte Street, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Y.W.C.A And Y.M.C.A., Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Y's Men's Basketball Team |
Yachting At Sandwich, Ont. |
Yawkey Bush March 1957 |
You May Be Lucky And Receive 10% Down Payment Free On A Lot In Findlay Gardens |
Young Sailors Marching Down Ouellette Avenue On V-J Day, August 15th, 1945 |
Your Article Is Ready |
Youth Group, 1939 |