C. A. Chilver Co. Ltd. Baseball Team |
C. C. Carrothers Public School, London, Ontario |
C. Durdin, Confectioner, 31 Sandwich St., Windsor, Ont. |
C. H. Smith Company Ltd. Store, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.P.R. Car Ferries, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.P.R. Car Ferries, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.P.R. Depot, Windsor, Can. |
C.P.R. Station, Windsor, Canada |
C.P.R. Station, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
C.V. Waters (clerk of City of Windsor), Clara and Gladys Johnson, 1920 |
C&O Engine Coming From Catalano |
Cadillac Hotel, Blenheim, Ont. |
Cadillac Hotel, Blenheim, Ontario. |
Cadillac Motel |
Cadillac Motel |
Cadillac Motel |
Cadillac Street Looking North, From Just South Of Charles Street, May 1951 |
Cadwell's Limited |
California Avenue At The Essex Terminal Railway Tracks, Looking North, January 1957 |
Cameron And Thorburn, 1870 |
Cameron Myers In A Fighter Plane |
Cameron Myers Talking To Fellow Officers |
Cameron Myers, Age 14 |
Camp, S. H. And Company Of Canada Limited |
Campus Recreation |
Canada Building And Prince Edward Hotel, Ouellette Street, Windsor, Ontario, 1937 |
Canada Building And Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Ontario, 1937 |
Canada Building, Windsor, Ont., Canada 1930 |
Canada Building, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1935 |
Canada Customs Building At The Tunnel, October 1956 |
Canada Post Card 1885 |
Canada Post Card 1888 |
Canada Service Store, 131 Wyandotte Street East, July 1958 |
Canada Shore Foot Of Lake St. Clair |
Canada Welcomes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II And H. R. H. Prince Philip |
Canada's Southernmost Trading Post, West Dock, Pelee Island, Ontario |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, 415 Devonshire Road, Interior 2, November 1952 |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, 415 Devonshire Road, Interior 3, November 1952 |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, 415 Devonshire Road, Interior 7, November 1952 |
Canadian Bank Of Commerce, Walkerville, Ont. |
Canadian Bridge Company |
Canadian Bridge Company, Walker Road Looking North, November 1950 |
Canadian Club Distillery Of Hiram Walter And Sons At Walkerville, Canada. |
Canadian Club Whisky Offices Near Windsor, Canada |
Canadian Dredge And Dock Company, Medbury Lane West, March 1955 |
Canadian Entrance To M.C.R. International Tunnel, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Canadian Food Products Limited, 1696 Drouillard Road, June 1956 |
Canadian Indoor Baseball Champions |
Canadian Industries Limited And The Canadian Salt Company, 4016 Sandwich Street West, March 1955 |
Canadian Lamp And Stamping Company |
Canadian Legion Memorial Park, Tilbury, Ontario, Canada |
Canadian National Steam Locomotive 6069 |
Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive No. 2200 |
Canadian Pacific Railway Station, Windsor, Canada |
Canadian Pittsburg Industries, 1160 Central Avenue, Exterior 1, April 1958 |
Canadian Pittsburg Industries, 1160 Central Avenue, Exterior 2, April 1958 |
Canadian Postum Cereal Company, Windsor, Ontario. |
Canadian Salt Co. Chemical Plant. Sandwich |
Canadian Salt Co. Salt Works. Windsor |
Canadian Salt Company, 30 Prospect Avenue, November 1960 |
Canadian Sirocco Co. |
Canadian Sirocco Company, Ltd. |
Canadian Steamer Pelee Islander |
Canadian Steamer Pelee. A Daily Service Between Sandusky, Ohio And Canada's Vacationland |
Canadian Winkley Company [Exterior] |
Canadian Winkley Company [Interior] |
Canal Scene 2, Belle Isle, Detroit, Mich |
Canal Scene 3, Belle Isle, Detroit, Mich. |
Canal Scene, Belle Isle Park |
Canal Scene, Belle Isle, Detroit, Mich. |
Canal Scene, Pelee Island |
Canal Street Looking West, Tilbury, Ont. |
Canning Factory, Essex, Ont. |
Canoe Scene, Belle Isle, Detroit, Mich. |
Car Ferry "Lansdowne", Windsor, Canada |
Car Ferry "Transfer," Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Car Ferry Dock Windsor, Ont. (Connecting With Detroit, U.S.A.) |
Car Ferry On Detroit River |
Car No. 104 |
Carlyle Ave., Tilbury, Ont. |
Carnegie Public Library, Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada |
Carnegie Public Library, Leamington, Ont., Canada |
Carpenters Who Built The Church |
Casa Don Motel |
Casa Don Motel |
Casgrain Homestead |
Casino And Lagoon, Belle Isle Park |
Casino At The Mettawas |
Casino From Lake At Palmer Park, Detroit, Mich. |
Casino, Belle Isle |
Casino, Belle Isle Park |
Casino, Belle Isle Park, Detroit, Mich. |
Catalogue Card Printer 1975 |
Cataloguers At Work 1975 |
Cathedral (R.C.) Church Of The Assumption |
Catholic Church, Essex, Ontario, Canada |
Catholic Church, Harrow |
Catholic Church, Windsor, Canada. |
Catholic School, Catholic Church, Belle River, Ont. |
CAW Student Centre 1998 |
Cedar Beach And Cedar Islands, Kingsville, Ont. |
Cedar Creek, Kingsville, Ont. |
Cedar Mound, Belle Isle Park, Detroit, Mich. |
Cedarhurst And Bridge, Cedar Beach Near Kingsville, Ontario. |
Cenotaph And City Hall Square At Night, Windsor, Ontario |
Cenotaph And Post Office, Leamington, Ontario, Canada |
Central Avenue By Night, Belle Isle, Detroit, Mich. |
Central Avenue, Belle Isle, Detroit, Mich. |
Central Bridge, Wallaceburg, Canada |
Central Bridge, Wallaceburg, Ont. |
Central Bridge, Wallaceburg, Ont. |
Central Bridge, Wallaceburg, Ont. |
Central Bridge, Wallaceburg. |
Central Dormitory; Little Boys Dormitory No. 1 |
Central Fire Hall, Windsor |
Central Methodist Church, Windsor, Canada |
Central Methodist Church, Windsor, Canada. |
Chalmers Motor Company |
Chalmers United Church |
Chancel, St. Mary's Church, Walkerville, Ont. |
Chapel And Administration Wing, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Chapel, University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Chappell House, Sandwich, Canada |
Charity Tower At The Shrine Of The Little Flower, By Illumination |
Charles Chilver And Fred Johnson |
Charles Chilver Crosses Chilver Near Wyandotte |
Charlotte Johnson? At Willistead Manor |
Chatham 1882 |
Chatham Golf and Country Club, Chatham, Ont., Canada |
Chatham Hotel, Chatham, Ontario |
Chatham Street East, Looking East, From Just West Of The Intersection With Mercer Street, July 1959 |
Chatham Street East, Looking West, From Between Mercer Street And McDougall Avenue, March 1960 |
Checker Cab, 320 Campbell Avenue, Exterior 1, August 1959 |
Checker Cab, 320 Campbell Avenue, Exterior 2, August 1959 |
Checking Order Requisitions In Books In Print 1975 |
Checking The Card Catalogue 1975 |
Chesapeake & Ohio Train A463 |
Chicken Court Restaurant |
Chicken Court Restaurant |
Chicken Court Restaurant |
Chief Joseph White |
Children's Play |
Children's Play 2 |
Chilver Coals |
Chilver Coals Ontario Senior Softball Champions 1931 |
Chilver Coals Softball Team |
Chilver Family Portrait |
Chilver Road, June 1950 |
Chilvers In Front Of The Grier Apartment Building |
Chippewa Street, Sandwich |
Choir Members 1930 |
Choir Of St. Mary's Church |
Christ Anglican Church, Colchester, Ont. |
Christ Church Memorial Chapel, Colchester, Ontario, 1957 |
Christ Church, Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada |
Christmas Party 1951 |
Chrysler Centre Looking South From Near Vimy Avenue, March 1951 |
Chrysler Centre, Looking North, From Near Ypres Avenue, March 1951 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Plant 1, May 1959 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Windsor Plant 3 Interior 1, April 1954 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Windsor Plant 3 Interior 2, April 1954 |
Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Windsor Plant 3 Interior 3, April 1954 |
Chuck Chapman |
Chuck Lee And Ronny Morand In Front Of Lustre Cafe |
Chuck Lee In Front Of Lustre Cafe |
Chuck Lee, April 4, 1948 |
Church And Rectory, South Side |
Church Of England, Amherstburg, Ont. |
Church Of England, Kingsville, Canada |
Church Of Our Lady Help Of Christians, Wallaceburg |
Church Rectory South Side |
Church Street Looking North From Just South Of London Street, January 1954 |
Church Viewed From Gates To Willistead Manor |
Church, Northwest Side |
Churches 1. Immaculate Conception 2. First Baptist 3. All Saints 4. London St. Methodist 5. Bruce Ave. Baptist 6. St. Andrew's Presbyterian 7. Church Of The Ascension 8. Jewish Synagogue 9. St. Alphonsus 10. Central Methodist 11. Ontario Chapel (African) |
Churches, Tilbury, Ontario, Canada |
Circulation Desk, University Library, University of Windsor 1963 |
City And County Offices, Harrison Bldgs., Chatham, Ont., Canada |
City Hall And Lambton County Building, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada |
City Hall Annex Is Moved To Assumption University To Become The Engineering Building |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Canada. |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Canada. |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Ont. |
City Hall Park, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
City Hall, Chatham, Ont., Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Canada. |
City Hall, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
City Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
City Market |
City of Cleveland, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
City Of Detroit III |
City Of Windsor 1940 |
City Of Windsor Steam Locomotive Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Class Rooms, Private Rooms, Gymnasium, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Classroom Building |
Cleary Auditorium |
Cleary Auditorium And Memorial Convention Hall, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Club Room |
CMHC Wartime Housing Project. Windsor Across From General Hospital |
CNR Yards, Windsor, Ont. |
Coal Dock And Power House Ford Motor Company, East Windsor, Ontario |
Coal Docks, Sandwich, Ont. |
Cobo Hall From The Detroit River, Detroit, Michigan |
Cody Hall And Essex Hall Under Construction |
Cody Hall Mens Residence |
Cody Hall, South Side, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Col. Baubie Mansion, Sandwich, Ont. |
Colchester Dock Near Harrow, Ontario, Canada |
Colchester from the Pier |
Colchester On The Sandy Beach Of Lake Erie, Harrow, Ontario, Canada |
Colchester Pier |
College Baseball Team 1915 |
College Basketball Team, 1915 |
College Campus |
College Chapel |
College Football Team, 1915 |
College Glee Club |
College Orchestra |
College Orchestra ca. 1922 |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Canada, 1905 |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Ont. |
Collegiate Institute, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Colonel Arthur Rankin |
Colonel Arthur Rankin Homestead |
Colonel John A. Wilkinson Homestead |
Comet, Bob-Lo Island Park, Canada |
Commercial Classroom; The Laboratory |
Commercial Core Of Windsor 1871 |
Commodore Supper Club |
Complete View Of Dock, Leamington |
Concert Day, Belle Isle, Detroit, Mich. |
Concrete Mixer At Ryan Builders Supplies, November 1952 |
Conklin's Hill, Kingsville, Ont. |
Conrad Reitz In His Office 1990 |
Consolidated Truck Lines, 1217 Sandwich Street West, August 1955 |
Construction At Hiram Walker 1, April 1952 |
Construction At Hiram Walker 2, April 1952 |
Construction At Hiram Walker 3, April 1952 |
Construction Huts On The South Side Of Ypres Avenue, At The Intersection With Memorial Drive And Marentette Avenue, August 1951 |
Construction Of The Library Looking East |
Construction Of Social Housing Near Mercer Street And Assumption Street, June 1961 |
Construction Of St. Mary's Parish Hall |
Construction Of The Library Roof |
Construction Of The Water Tower At General Foods, 1001 Wyandotte Street West, June 1950 |
Construction On The First Floor Of Leddy Main 1998 |
Construction Work At Hiram Walkers |
Consumer's Outfitters, 166 McDougall Street, January 1956 |
Consumers Outfitters 166 McDougall Street November 1959 |
Consumers Warehouse, 166 McDougall Street, January 1956 |
Continuation School, Wheatley, Ontario |
Convent, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Convention Hall, Wheatley, Ont., Canada |
Copy Of The Baptismal Certificate Of Alexander Bartlet |
Cor. Devonshire Road And Wyandotte St. Walkerville, Canada. |
Corner Main and Division Streets,Kingsville, Canada |
Corner Of Campus, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Corner Of Erie And Talbot Streets Leamington, Ont. |
Corner Of Main And Division Streets, Kingsville, Ont. |
Corner Of Park Street And Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Corner of Pitt St. and Oulette Ave., Windsor, Ont., Canada 1925 |
Corner Of St. Mary's Gate And Kildare Road; Riverside Park |
Corner Stone For The New Library November 6 1957 |
Cornfield |
Coronation Rose Garden |
Corporation Of The City Of Windsor, Ontario, City Hall |
Country Club, Walkerville, Canada |
County Building, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
County House Of Refuge And Industrial Home At Leamington |
County Of Essex 1879 |
County Of Essex 1882 |
County Treasurer's Office |
Couple at Willistead Park 2 |
Couple In Front Of The Lych Gate At St. Mary's Church |
Court House And Gaol, Sandwich, Canada |
Court House, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Courtney Motel |
Cowan Homestead |
Cowan House |
CPR Boat Slip, Windsor, Ont. |
Craneway In New 6-Story Building, Showing Loading Platforms |
Crankshaft Grinding Department |
Crawford Avenue Looking North From Around Giles Boulevard West, March 1959 |
Crawford Avenue, Looking North, From Just South Of College Avenue, April 1957 |
Creek And Cedar Island, Cedar Beach Near Kingsville, Ontario. |
Croatian National Home, 2520 Seminole Street, October 1950 |
Cross The Border By Auto Tunnel 1955 |
Crossing Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Crossing The Detroit River In Winter |
Crowds Celebrating On Ouellette Avenue On V-J Day, August 15th, 1945 |
Crown Jewels Of Great Britain, In Replica |
Crystal Palace |
Cup Won By Walker Sons Corn |
Curry And Robinet Brickworks |
Curry And Robinet Brickworks The Workers |
Curry Avenue Looking South, October 1949 |