Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace |
Creator(s): Shimizu, Yon |
Year: 1942 |
Type(s): Photograph |
Physical Description: b&w |
Source: DVD of Yon Shimizu's scrapbook (Art Rhyno) |
Notes: Accommodations for farm labourers at Camp Glencoe; Yon Shimizu, the photographer, is a Japanese-Canadian who was exiled from the west coast of Canada to Ontario during the second World War. In 1942, he worked as a farm labourer with the Ontario Farm Service Force near Glencoe; on scrapbook page: "arrived May 29th, 1942; left November 12th, 1942"; no .tiff file is available |
Subject(s): Ontario Farm Service Force. Camp Glencoe Japanese Canadian Exiles Farms Farm Labourers Government Buildings World War II |
Place(s): Glencoe (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |