G. W. Mason General Store |
G.T.R. Station, Chatham, Ont., Canada |
G.T.R. Station, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Galifi Grocery 401 Parent Avenue December 1959 |
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Butch Hoita And Stum Shimizu |
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Stum Okamoto And Esao Ono |
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Tom Kuwabara And Yon Shimizu |
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Tommy Hoita And Tomo Okamoto |
Gang On The Library Steps 1928 |
Garage Near The Northwest Corner Of Dougall Avenue And Park Street West, Interior, May 1958 |
Garage Near The Northwest Corner Of Dougall Avenue And Park Street West, May 1958 |
Garage, Where Cars Remain All Day In Safety |
Gardens, Jackson Park |
Garner House Property Of John Garner, Chatham, Ont. |
Gates To The Service Drive For Elmcroft, Hiram H. Walker's Estate |
Gem Ferry |
General Amherst High School, Amherstburg, Ont. |
General Hospital, Windsor, Ont. |
General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan |
General Store Of John Spiers |
General View Of Main Offices And Laboratories, Parke, Davis And Co. |
Geo. McVittie's General Store, Colchester, Ont. |
George Avenue At The CN Railway Crossing, Looking North, July 1951 |
George C. Haugh |
George C. Haugh Lumber Yard |
George Fellers Homestead |
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Exterior, June 1956 |
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Interior 1, June 1956 |
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Interior 2, June 1956 |
George Peters Produce, 1009 Crawford Avenue, April 1957 |
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan |
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan |
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan |
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan |
Giles Blvd., Looking East, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Giles Boulevard East Looking Southeast At the Intersection With Howard Avenue, January 1953 |
Giles Boulevard, Looking East, Essex County War Memorial In The Foreground, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Giles Boulevard, Looking East, Essex County War Memorial In The Foreground, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Giles Boulevard. Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Girard's Parking Lot, Near 44 Chatham Street, Looking West Towards Ouellette Avenue, July 1960 |
Girardot Building |
Girardot Wine Company Cellars |
Girardot Wine Company, Buildings At Sandwich |
Gitlins Correspondence |
Gladys and Helen Johnson In Walkerville In Front Of A Fruit And Vegetables Truck |
Glass Works, Wallaceburg, Ont. |
Glass Works, Wallaceburg, Ontario |
Glencoe Main Street |
Glencoe Post Office |
Glencoe Town Hall |
Glencoe's Theatre |
Glengarda Ursuline Academy, Ford City, Ont. |
Glimpses Of Detroit River, From Belle Isle Park. |
GMC Softball Team |
Gordon McGregor Public School, Ford, Ont. |
Gotfredson Limited, 650 Montreuil Avenue, August 1953 |
Gouin And Desjardin Cement Contractors, Tecumseh, Ont. |
Government Dock, Downtown Windsor And Detroit In Background |
Government Wharf, West Side, Pelee Island, Canada |
Goyeau Street, Looking North, Between Ellis Street East And Giles Boulevard East, September 1950 |
Goyeau Street, Looking South, Between Giles Boulevard East And Ellis Street East, September 1950 |
Grace Hospital, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Grads Football Team |
Graduates, 1915 |
Graham Staffen Operating The Telex For The Computer Indexing Service |
Grain Elevator, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada. |
Grand Circus Park |
Grand Circus Park, Downtown Detroit |
Grand Trunk Car Ferry, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Grand Trunk Tunnel Under St. Clair River, Port Huron, Mich., To Sarnia, Canada. |
Grassy Island Lighthouse, Detroit River |
Gray's Drug Store Exterior 1492 Pillette Road December 1958 |
Gray's Drug Store Interior 1492 Pillette Road December 1958 |
Grayson Family Outside Grayson Jewellers |
Grayson Women Outside Grayson Jewellers |
Grayson's Jewellers And China Shop 131 Ouellette Avenue March 1961 |
Great Fire Of Windsor, 1871 |
Great Lakes Most Unique Dock |
Great Western Railway Yards |
Great Western, Windsor, Canada |
Greenhouses |
Greetings From Blue Bonnet Restaurant |
Greetings From Colchester, Canada |
Greetings From Colchester, Ont., Canada |
Greyhound Bus And Air Lines Terminal |
Greyhound Bus Depot, 44 London Street East, November 1956 |
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Exterior, 745 London Street West, March 1953 |
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Interior, 745 London Street West, March 1953 |
Griswold St., Showing The Stott Bldg., Detroit, Mich. |
Grotto |
Grotto, St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Canada |
Grounds At Metropolitan Hospital October 1950 |
Growth Of Population Of Detroit And Border Cities, 1840-1940 |
Gubbs Pharmacy, Interior, 3808 Seminole Street, May 1960 |
Gun Carriage Captured From The British At Moraviantown, 1812 War |
Gundy And Gundy 1913 |
Gymnasium |
Gymnasium At Assumption College |
Gymnasium, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |