
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
G. W. Mason General Store
G.T.R. Station, Chatham, Ont., Canada
G.T.R. Station, Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Galifi Grocery 401 Parent Avenue December 1959
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Butch Hoita And Stum Shimizu
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Stum Okamoto And Esao Ono
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Tom Kuwabara And Yon Shimizu
Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Tommy Hoita And Tomo Okamoto
Gang On The Library Steps 1928
Garage Near The Northwest Corner Of Dougall Avenue And Park Street West, Interior, May 1958
Garage Near The Northwest Corner Of Dougall Avenue And Park Street West, May 1958
Garage, Where Cars Remain All Day In Safety
Gardens, Jackson Park
Garner House Property Of John Garner, Chatham, Ont.
Gates To The Service Drive For Elmcroft, Hiram H. Walker's Estate
Gem Ferry
General Amherst High School, Amherstburg, Ont.
General Hospital, Windsor, Ont.
General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan
General Store Of John Spiers
General View Of Main Offices And Laboratories, Parke, Davis And Co.
Geo. McVittie's General Store, Colchester, Ont.
George Avenue At The CN Railway Crossing, Looking North, July 1951
George C. Haugh
George C. Haugh Lumber Yard
George Fellers Homestead
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Exterior, June 1956
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Interior 1, June 1956
George Hudson, Jeweller, 1028 Langlois Avenue, Interior 2, June 1956
George Peters Produce, 1009 Crawford Avenue, April 1957
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan
German Submarine U.C. 97 Docked At Detroit, Michigan
Giles Blvd., Looking East, Windsor, Ont., Canada
Giles Boulevard East Looking Southeast At the Intersection With Howard Avenue, January 1953
Giles Boulevard, Looking East, Essex County War Memorial In The Foreground, Windsor, Ont., Canada
Giles Boulevard, Looking East, Essex County War Memorial In The Foreground, Windsor, Ont., Canada
Giles Boulevard. Windsor, Ont., Canada
Girard's Parking Lot, Near 44 Chatham Street, Looking West Towards Ouellette Avenue, July 1960
Girardot Building
Girardot Wine Company Cellars
Girardot Wine Company, Buildings At Sandwich
Gitlins Correspondence
Gladys and Helen Johnson In Walkerville In Front Of A Fruit And Vegetables Truck
Glass Works, Wallaceburg, Ont.
Glass Works, Wallaceburg, Ontario
Glencoe Main Street
Glencoe Post Office
Glencoe Town Hall
Glencoe's Theatre
Glengarda Ursuline Academy, Ford City, Ont.
Glimpses Of Detroit River, From Belle Isle Park.
GMC Softball Team
Gordon McGregor Public School, Ford, Ont.
Gotfredson Limited, 650 Montreuil Avenue, August 1953
Gouin And Desjardin Cement Contractors, Tecumseh, Ont.
Government Dock, Downtown Windsor And Detroit In Background
Government Wharf, West Side, Pelee Island, Canada
Goyeau Street, Looking North, Between Ellis Street East And Giles Boulevard East, September 1950
Goyeau Street, Looking South, Between Giles Boulevard East And Ellis Street East, September 1950
Grace Hospital, Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Grads Football Team
Graduates, 1915
Graham Staffen Operating The Telex For The Computer Indexing Service
Grain Elevator, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada.
Grand Circus Park
Grand Circus Park, Downtown Detroit
Grand Trunk Car Ferry, Windsor, Ont., Canada
Grand Trunk Tunnel Under St. Clair River, Port Huron, Mich., To Sarnia, Canada.
Grassy Island Lighthouse, Detroit River
Gray's Drug Store Exterior 1492 Pillette Road December 1958
Gray's Drug Store Interior 1492 Pillette Road December 1958
Grayson Family Outside Grayson Jewellers
Grayson Women Outside Grayson Jewellers
Grayson's Jewellers And China Shop 131 Ouellette Avenue March 1961
Great Fire Of Windsor, 1871
Great Lakes Most Unique Dock
Great Western Railway Yards
Great Western, Windsor, Canada
Greetings From Blue Bonnet Restaurant
Greetings From Colchester, Canada
Greetings From Colchester, Ont., Canada
Greyhound Bus And Air Lines Terminal
Greyhound Bus Depot, 44 London Street East, November 1956
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Exterior, 745 London Street West, March 1953
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Interior, 745 London Street West, March 1953
Griswold St., Showing The Stott Bldg., Detroit, Mich.
Grotto, St. Mary's Academy, Windsor, Canada
Grounds At Metropolitan Hospital October 1950
Growth Of Population Of Detroit And Border Cities, 1840-1940
Gubbs Pharmacy, Interior, 3808 Seminole Street, May 1960
Gun Carriage Captured From The British At Moraviantown, 1812 War
Gundy And Gundy 1913
Gymnasium At Assumption College
Gymnasium, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont.