F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd |
Factory Hospital Is Equipped To Render Service In Any Emergency |
Factory Of The Ever-Ready Dress Stay Company : S. J. Bowling, Prop. |
Family Excursion |
Family Of Oscar Ernest Fleming |
Family Of Samuel Fleming |
Famous Ambassador Bridge |
Famous Lancaster Bomber Of World War II, Jackson Park, Windsor, Ontario, "Canada's Rose City" |
Farm Home 1850s |
Father Marseilles |
Feeding The Birds At Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary |
Female Students Outside Windsor Walkerville Technical School |
Fergie Jenkins Senior |
Ferry "Britannia," Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Ferry Across The Snye River To Walpole Island From The Mainland Near Beautiful Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada |
Ferry Boat Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1904 |
Ferry Boat, Windsor, Canada. |
Ferry Boat, Windsor, Canada. |
Ferry Dock At Windsor, Canada, Showing Detroit In The Distance, 1915 |
Ferry Dock, Walkerville, Canada |
Ferry Excelsior, Windsor, Canada |
Ferry For Windsor, Canada; Foot Of Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. |
Ferry Hill Corner, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Ferry Hill Corner, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1924 |
Ferry Hill, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1928 |
Ferry Landing And Corner Ouellette And Sandwich Street, 1920 |
Ferry Landing Showing Detroit In The Distance, Windsor, Canada, 1916 |
Ferry Landing, Corner Ouellette And Sandwich Streets, Windsor, Ont, Canada 1929 |
Ferry Landing, Walkerville, Ont. |
Ferry Landing, Walkerville, Ont., Canada. |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1912 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1914 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1923 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1906 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1914 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1916 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1912 |
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Ferry Promise Between Windsor, Canada And Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ferry Promise Between Windsor, Canada, And Detroit, U.S.A. |
Ferry Street Looking Northeast Towards Pitt Street, June 1961 |
Ferry Victoria Between Windsor, Canada And Detroit, U.S.A. |
Fidler's Green Marina |
Field Of Corn Stooked |
Field Of Flue Tobacco Ready To Cut, Leamington, Ontario, Canada |
Fielding And Son, Grocer, 235 Sandwich Street East, Exterior 1, August 1955 |
Fielding And Son, Grocer, 235 Sandwich Street East, Exterior 2, August 1955 |
Fiery Fastback Barracuda 1965 |
Fifth Street Bridge, Chatham, Ontario. |
Fiftieth Anniversary Service Of St. Mary's Church |
Filing In The Shelf-list 1975 |
Filing Order Slips 1975 |
Film Studio |
Filtration Plant, Wallaceburg |
Final Assembly Line |
Fire Department, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Fire Drill At The University Library 1975 |
Fire Hall And Equipment, Windsor, Canada |
Fire Hall, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Fire Tug "James Battle" in action, Detroit, Mich. |
First Baptist Church, Wallaceburg, Canada |
First Baptist Church, Windsor Ave., Windsor, Ont. |
First Brick Court House And Jail |
First Lighthouse On Pelee Island |
First Presbyterian Church, Wallaceburg, Canada |
Fixers Of 1920 |
Fleet Of D. And C. Navigation Co. |
Flour Mill At Pike Creek |
Flower House, Belle Isle |
Food Mart, Consumers Warehouse Of Windsor, 166 McDougall Street, January 1956 |
Foot Of Woodward Ave. And Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. |
For A Few Sleepers, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. |
Ford Airport And Mooring Mast, Detroit, Mich. |
Ford City Town Hall |
Ford Crestline Convertible |
Ford Crown Victoria 1958 |
Ford Customline Four Door Meteor |
Ford English School On Factory Lawn |
Ford Factory, Ford, Ont., Canada. |
Ford Mercury |
Ford Meteor Automobile Parked Outside The Windsor Police Traffic Division Headquarters, 444 Windsor Avenue, September 1959 |
Ford Model T Parked On The Sidewalk At The Southwest Corner Of Sandwich Street East And Glengarry Avenue, September 1952 |
Ford Monarch 1952 |
Ford Motor Band Of 56 Pieces |
Ford Motor Co. Of Canada, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Ford Motor Co. Plant, East Windsor, Ont. |
Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. |
Ford Motor Co., Ford, Ont., Canada |
Ford Motor Co., Fordson Plant, Lincoln Motor Co. |
Ford Motor Co.'s Plant, Ford, Ont., Canada, Near Windsor |
Ford Motor Company |
Ford Motor Company |
Ford Motor Company Factory Plan |
Ford Motor Company Has Its Own Moving Picture Plant |
Ford Motor Company Interesting Figures 1903-1917 |
Ford Motor Company Of Canada Archives Are Presented To The University 1998 |
Ford Motor Company's Employees |
Ford Motor Plant |
Ford Motor Plant And A Single Day's Output |
Ford Motors Receive A Thorough Test On The Electric Blocks |
Ford of Canada Windsor Plants |
Ford Rotunda |
Ford Rotunda, Administration Bldg., And The Rouge Plant, Near Detroit, Mich. |
Ford V-8 Basketball Team |
Ford Windsor Engine Plant And Parking Lot, November 1957 |
Foreign Students Relax In Assumption Lounge, University Centre, University of Windsor |
Forest House Exterior, 1073 Tecumseh Road East, June 1957 |
Forest House Interior, 1073 Tecumseh Road East, June 1957 |
Fort Malden In Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada |
Fort View House |
Fort York In Harbor, Leamington, Ont., Canada |
Fortified Barracks, Sandwich, In 1837-1838 |
Foundation Company Of Ontario, General Contractors, November 1949 |
Fountain Motel And Restaurant |
Fountain Motel And Restaurant |
Four Baseball Players |
Fournelle's Pharmacy, 100 Wyandotte Street East, November 1950 |
Frederick Stearns & Co. Of Canada, Ltd. |
French Windmill, Walkerville |
Fritz Markham |
Front Of The Dance Pavilion |
Front Street, Sarnia, Ont., Canada |
Frontier Club 562 Mercer Street, June 1960 |
Functional Map Of Windsor, Ont. 1940 |
Future Campus 1958 |