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F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd
Factory Hospital Is Equipped To Render Service In Any Emergency
Factory Of The Ever-Ready Dress Stay Company : S. J. Bowling, Prop.
Family Excursion
Family Of Oscar Ernest Fleming
Family Of Samuel Fleming
Famous Ambassador Bridge
Famous Lancaster Bomber Of World War II, Jackson Park, Windsor, Ontario, "Canada's Rose City"
Farm Home 1850s
Father Marseilles
Feeding The Birds At Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary
Female Students Outside Windsor Walkerville Technical School
Fergie Jenkins Senior
Ferry "Britannia," Windsor, Ont., Canada
Ferry Across The Snye River To Walpole Island From The Mainland Near Beautiful Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada
Ferry Boat Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1904
Ferry Boat, Windsor, Canada.
Ferry Boat, Windsor, Canada.
Ferry Dock At Windsor, Canada, Showing Detroit In The Distance, 1915
Ferry Dock, Walkerville, Canada
Ferry Excelsior, Windsor, Canada
Ferry For Windsor, Canada; Foot Of Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Ferry Hill Corner, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915
Ferry Hill Corner, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1924
Ferry Hill, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1928
Ferry Landing And Corner Ouellette And Sandwich Street, 1920
Ferry Landing Showing Detroit In The Distance, Windsor, Canada, 1916
Ferry Landing, Corner Ouellette And Sandwich Streets, Windsor, Ont, Canada 1929
Ferry Landing, Walkerville, Ont.
Ferry Landing, Walkerville, Ont., Canada.
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1910
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1912
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Canada, 1914
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1915
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont. 1923
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1906
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1914
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., 1916
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1912
Ferry Landing, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915
Ferry Promise Between Windsor, Canada And Detroit, U.S.A.
Ferry Promise Between Windsor, Canada, And Detroit, U.S.A.
Ferry Street Looking Northeast Towards Pitt Street, June 1961
Ferry Victoria Between Windsor, Canada And Detroit, U.S.A.
Fidler's Green Marina
Field Of Corn Stooked
Field Of Flue Tobacco Ready To Cut, Leamington, Ontario, Canada
Fielding And Son, Grocer, 235 Sandwich Street East, Exterior 1, August 1955
Fielding And Son, Grocer, 235 Sandwich Street East, Exterior 2, August 1955
Fiery Fastback Barracuda 1965
Fifth Street Bridge, Chatham, Ontario.
Fiftieth Anniversary Service Of St. Mary's Church
Filing In The Shelf-list 1975
Filing Order Slips 1975
Film Studio
Filtration Plant, Wallaceburg
Final Assembly Line
Fire Department, Windsor, Ont., Canada
Fire Drill At The University Library 1975
Fire Hall And Equipment, Windsor, Canada
Fire Hall, Windsor, Ont., Canada
Fire Tug "James Battle" in action, Detroit, Mich.
First Baptist Church, Wallaceburg, Canada
First Baptist Church, Windsor Ave., Windsor, Ont.
First Brick Court House And Jail
First Lighthouse On Pelee Island
First Presbyterian Church, Wallaceburg, Canada
Fixers Of 1920
Fleet Of D. And C. Navigation Co.
Flour Mill At Pike Creek
Flower House, Belle Isle
Food Mart, Consumers Warehouse Of Windsor, 166 McDougall Street, January 1956
Foot Of Woodward Ave. And Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
For A Few Sleepers, Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont.
Ford Airport And Mooring Mast, Detroit, Mich.
Ford City Town Hall
Ford Crestline Convertible
Ford Crown Victoria 1958
Ford Customline Four Door Meteor
Ford English School On Factory Lawn
Ford Factory, Ford, Ont., Canada.
Ford Mercury
Ford Meteor Automobile Parked Outside The Windsor Police Traffic Division Headquarters, 444 Windsor Avenue, September 1959
Ford Model T Parked On The Sidewalk At The Southwest Corner Of Sandwich Street East And Glengarry Avenue, September 1952
Ford Monarch 1952
Ford Motor Band Of 56 Pieces
Ford Motor Co. Of Canada, Windsor, Ont., Canada
Ford Motor Co. Plant, East Windsor, Ont.
Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.
Ford Motor Co., Ford, Ont., Canada
Ford Motor Co., Fordson Plant, Lincoln Motor Co.
Ford Motor Co.'s Plant, Ford, Ont., Canada, Near Windsor
Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company Factory Plan
Ford Motor Company Has Its Own Moving Picture Plant
Ford Motor Company Interesting Figures 1903-1917
Ford Motor Company Of Canada Archives Are Presented To The University 1998
Ford Motor Company's Employees
Ford Motor Plant
Ford Motor Plant And A Single Day's Output
Ford Motors Receive A Thorough Test On The Electric Blocks
Ford of Canada Windsor Plants
Ford Rotunda
Ford Rotunda, Administration Bldg., And The Rouge Plant, Near Detroit, Mich.
Ford V-8 Basketball Team
Ford Windsor Engine Plant And Parking Lot, November 1957
Foreign Students Relax In Assumption Lounge, University Centre, University of Windsor
Forest House Exterior, 1073 Tecumseh Road East, June 1957
Forest House Interior, 1073 Tecumseh Road East, June 1957
Fort Malden In Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Fort View House
Fort York In Harbor, Leamington, Ont., Canada
Fortified Barracks, Sandwich, In 1837-1838
Foundation Company Of Ontario, General Contractors, November 1949
Fountain Motel And Restaurant
Fountain Motel And Restaurant
Four Baseball Players
Fournelle's Pharmacy, 100 Wyandotte Street East, November 1950
Frederick Stearns & Co. Of Canada, Ltd.
French Windmill, Walkerville
Fritz Markham
Front Of The Dance Pavilion
Front Street, Sarnia, Ont., Canada
Frontier Club 562 Mercer Street, June 1960
Functional Map Of Windsor, Ont. 1940
Future Campus 1958