321 Church Street, December 1957 |
75 London Street East, February 1955 |
All Saints English Church, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
All Saints Episcopal Church, Windsor, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge Between Detroit, U.S.A., and Windsor, Canada |
Ambassador Bridge Construction: Footwalks And Cable Spinning Equipment |
Ambassador Bridge Under Construction, Looking North From London Street |
Ambassador Bridge, Windsor, Ont. |
Antiquity At Sandwich The Old Jesuit Huron Mission House |
Armouries, Windsor, Canada, 1905 |
Armouries, Windsor, Canada. |
Armouries, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1905 |
Armouries, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1924 |
Assumption Church And Grounds |
Assumption College Campus 1928 |
Assumption College Campus And Assumption Church 1928 |
Assumption College, Sandwich, near Windsor, Canada |
Assumption Mission House |
Bird's Eye View Of Windsor, Canada, 1908 |
Bruce Avenue Baptist Church, Windsor, Canada. |
Cathedral (R.C.) Church Of The Assumption |
Church Street Looking North From Just South Of London Street, January 1954 |
Churches 1. Immaculate Conception 2. First Baptist 3. All Saints 4. London St. Methodist 5. Bruce Ave. Baptist 6. St. Andrew's Presbyterian 7. Church Of The Ascension 8. Jewish Synagogue 9. St. Alphonsus 10. Central Methodist 11. Ontario Chapel (African) |
Curry Hall And Armouries, Windsor, Canada, 1910 |
Girardot Wine Company Cellars |
Grace Hospital, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
Greyhound Bus Depot, 44 London Street East, November 1956 |
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Exterior, 745 London Street West, March 1953 |
Griffith, E. J. W. Agencies, Interior, 745 London Street West, March 1953 |
Huron Mission House |
Intersection Of California Avenue And London Street, Looking North, May 1949 |
Intersection Of California Avenue And London Street, Looking South, May 1949 |
Intersection Of Church Street And London Street West, Looking North, January 1954 |
Intersection Of Crawford Avenue And London Street West, Looking North, April 1951 |
Intersection Of Goyeau Street And London Street, Looking South, January 1950 |
Intersection Of London Street And Askin Avenue Looking East April 1953 |
Intersection Of London Street And California Avenue, Looking East, May 1949 |
Intersection Of London Street And California Avenue, Looking West, May 1949 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Askin Avenue Looking West April 1953 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Bridge Avenue, Looking West, December 1950 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Bruce Avenue, Looking West, October 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Cameron Avenue, Looking East, November 1949 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Campbell Avenue, Looking West, February 1953 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Church Street, Looking West, January 1954 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Crawford Avenue, Looking East, April 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Crawford Avenue, Looking East, June 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Crawford Avenue, Looking West, April 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Oak Avenue Looking West, December 1950 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Oak Avenue, Looking East, December 1950 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Pelissier Street Looking East, May 1951 |
Intersection Of London Street West And Pelissier Street, Looking East, June 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And London Street, Looking North 1951 |
Intersection Of Ouellette Avenue And London Street, Looking Northwest Towards Chatham Street West, May 1952 |
Intersection Of Pelissier Street And Park Street West, Looking North, October 1956 |
Intersection Of Sandwich Street West And London Street West, Looking West, January 1950 |
John Piggott & Sons |
La Belle Block, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1917 |
London Street Looking West, Windsor, Ontario |
London Street West, Looking West, From East Of Cameron Avenue, November 1949 |
London Street, Looking West, Windsor, Ont., Canada. |
London Street, Windsor, Canada |
London Street, Windsor, Canada |
London Street, Windsor, Ont. |
London Street, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Merloray Building |
Metropolitan Building In Foreground, Windsor, Ontario. |
Night Scene, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Detroit In The Distance |
Oldest House In Sandwich |
Osterhout And Little |
Ouelette Avenue Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1915 |
Ouellette Ave, Windsor, Ont., 1920 |
Ouellette Ave. At Night, Detroit In Background, 1935 |
Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Canada, 1952 |
Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ont., Canada, Showing Detroit In The Distance, 1925 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking North, Showing Detroit In The Distance, Windsor, Ont. Canada 1925 |
Ouellette Avenue, Looking North, Showing Detroit In The Distance, Windsor, Ont. Canada, 1925 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1940 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Canada, 1945 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1940 |
Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1953 |
Oulette Ave., Windsor. Detroit In The Distance, 1936 |
Oullette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1945 |
Park Street East, February 1955 |
Rowland And O'Brien Bakery 2260 And 2268 London Street West, Exterior 1 February 1957 |
Rowland And O'Brien Bakery 2260 And 2268 London Street West, Exterior 2 February 1957 |
Salvation Army Grace Hospital, Windsor, Ontario |
Skyscrapers Of the Border Cities |
W. M. Walker |
West End Methodist Church. Windsor. Ont., Canada |
Windsor Armouries |
Windsor Avenue Looking North, Windsor, Canada |
Windsor Steam Laundry |
Windsor West Methodist Church and Parsonage |