1274 St. Luke Road, Looking North, April 1961 |
29 Park Street, February 1961 |
353 Riverside Drive East, Looking East, January 1961 |
353 Riverside Drive East, Looking West, January 1961 |
806 Assumption Street May 1961 |
Abie's Delicatessen 566 Wyandotte Street East March 1961 |
Arrow Pharmacy, 1190 Wyandotte Street West, April 1961 |
B. A. Gas Station, 4690 Tecumseh Road East, Exterior 1, June 1961 |
B. A. Gas Station, 4690 Tecumseh Road East, Exterior 4, June 1961 |
Beach At Point Pelee National Park, Leamington, Ontario, Canada |
Beneficial Finance Company Interior 1 29 Park Street West February 1961 |
Beneficial Finance Company Interior 2 29 Park Street West February 1961 |
Big Tomato; Reception Booth Of The Chamber Of Commerce; Leamington, Ont., Canada |
British Methodist Episcopal Church |
Cody Hall And Essex Hall Under Construction |
Construction Of Social Housing Near Mercer Street And Assumption Street, June 1961 |
Desks At Windsor Police Headquarters, Interior 1, February 1961 |
Desks At Windsor Police Headquarters, Interior 2, February 1961 |
Detroit Skyline From Windsor Ontario, Canada |
Drive, Point Pelee National Park, Leamington, Ontario, Canada |
Essex House Hotel Exterior 317 Riverside Drive West February 1961 |
Essex House Hotel Interior 1 317 Riverside Drive West February 1961 |
Essex House Hotel Interior 2 317 Riverside Drive West February 1961 |
Ferry Street Looking Northeast Towards Pitt Street, June 1961 |
Grayson's Jewellers And China Shop 131 Ouellette Avenue March 1961 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking East May 1961 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking East, May 1961 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking West May 1961 |
Intersection Of Assumption Street And Marentette Avenue, Looking West, May 1961 |
Intersection Of Campbell Avenue And Pelletier Street, Looking North, March 1961 |
Intersection Of Park Street West And Pelissier Street February 1961 |
Intersection Of Pitt Street And Ferry Street, Looking Southwest, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Pitt Street West And Ferry Street, Looking West, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Riverside Drive West And McKay Avenue, Looking West, November 1961 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Pillette Road, Looking East, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Tecumseh Road East And Pillette Road, Looking West, June 1961 |
Intersection Of Victoria Avenue And Wyandotte Street West, Looking South, February 1961 |
Intersection Of Wellington Avenue And University Avenue West, Looking South, March 1961 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Victoria Avenue, Looking East, February 1961 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Victoria Avenue, Looking West, February 1961 |
Joe's Pool Room And The Campus Barber Shop, 1102-1104 Drouillard Road, June 1961 |
McKee Treaty Cairn, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada |
Metropole Tavern 917 Walker Road, Interior, June 1961 |
Metropole Tavern Exterior 917 Walker Road, June 1961 |
Near The Intersection Of University Avenue West And Crawford Avenue, Looking West, June 1961 |
Noble's Summer Homes, 860 Pelee Drive, R.R., No. 1, Leamington, Ontario, Canada |
Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1961 |
Parking Lot On Pelissier Street February 1961 |
Patterson Collegiate Institute Senior Girls W.S.S.A. Track And Field Champions 1961 |
Pay Phone At 988 Parent Avenue, February 1961 |
Purple Cow Jazz Club 996 Drouillard Road January 1961 |
Riverside Drive West, Looking East, From Just West Of McKay Avenue, November 1961 |
Sigal Brothers, 1493 Union Street, Looking West, March 1961 |
St. Luke Road Looking South Towards The Essex Terminal Railway Tracks And Seminole Street, April 1961 |
Swimming Pool At Mic Mac Park, Looking East, August 1961 |
Swimming Pool At Mic Mac Park, Looking Northeast, August 1961 |
Swimming Pool At Mic Mac Park, Looking West, August 1961 |
Tecumseh Road East, Looking East, Near The Intersection With Olive Road, June 1961 |
Temple Tavern, 2756 Charles Street, June 1961 |
Tying Table, Leamington, Ont., Canada |
Vezina Jewellers, 409 Ouellette Avenue, February 1961 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Exterior Back, City Hall Square, February 1961 |
Windsor Municipal Courts Building Exterior Front, City Hall Square, February 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 1, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 2, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 3, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 4, July 1961 |
Windsor Police Radio Room And Alarm Box Set Up 5, July 1961 |