1. D. M. Ferry Co. 2. Windsor Pearl Button Co. 3. Windsor Paper Box Co. 4. White Machine Co. 5. Remington Arms Co. 6. Geo. H. Rundle And Son 7. Palmer Medical Co. 8. Heller-Aller Co. 9. Seely Mfg. Co. 10. Windsor Boiler Works 11. Kent Canning Co. |
1. Lufkin Rule Co. 2. Hupp Motor Car Co. 3. Canadian Postum Cereal Co. 4. Canadian Moloney Electric Co. 5. Windsor Machine And Tool Co. |
1. W. J. McKee 2. W. J. Burns 3. J. A. McKay 4. Soper & Dupuis Real Estate Office |
C.P.R. Station, Windsor, Canada |
C.P.R. Station, Windsor, Ont., Canada |
Canadian Pacific Railway Station, Windsor, Canada |
Canadian Salt Co. Salt Works. Windsor |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Caron Avenue, Looking East, July 1956 |
Intersection Of Wyandotte Street West And Caron Avenue, Looking West, July 1956 |