Assumption's First Roomers
Assumption's First Roomers |
Creator(s): Kolb, Bill |
Year: 1915 |
Publisher: Assumption College |
Type(s): Photograph |
Language: English |
Source: Basilides : Assumption College 1870-1930 / published by the students of Assumption on the occasion of the College's Diamond Jubilee, 1930. Page 77 |
Notes: "Aristocrats of 1915"; "This picture of the "discipuli togati" is a flashlight taken back in 1914 [1915?] by Bill Kolb of Chelsea at 12.30 am in a room occupied by Sylvester Christie and Al Vernier"; the location is likely St. Michael's Hall; on the far right, with the white head covering is George Weiler; Ed Carey, Roy Petripren, Joe Gallagher, Tom Vahey, Larry Ahern, Syl Christie, and Al Vernier are all in the photograph, but not identified individually |
Subject(s): Students Assumption College (Windsor) University of Windsor Universities Assumption College (Windsor). St. Michael's Hall University of Windsor. St. Michael's Hall Weiler, George |
Place(s): Windsor (Ontario) Sandwich (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 |