Assumption's New Building
Assumption's New Building |
Creator(s): Pennington, James Carlisle |
Year: 1946 |
Publisher: Assumption High School / Assumption College (Windsor) |
Type(s): Illustration |
Physical Description: b&w |
Source: Assumption High School Reporter: 1946: October 4th, p. 4 |
Notes: Illustration of proposed new building for Assumption College by the architect J. C. Pennington. " The new building will feature several science departments, a library of some 50,000 volumes, with an elevator serving both library and staff. Other features will be a large cafeteria, separate student common and locker rooms, and an administration room. The total number of rooms will be 114." The current Memorial Hall is likely a pared down version of this proposed building. |
Subject(s): Assumption College (Windsor) University of Windsor Universities Assumption College (Windsor). Memorial Hall University of Windsor. Memorial Hall Pennington, James Carlisle, Architect |
Place(s): Windsor (Ontario) Sandwich (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 |