Excursion Steamer Cadillac, Entering Erieau Harbor, Erieau, Ontario, Canada
Excursion Steamer Cadillac, Entering Erieau Harbor, Erieau, Ontario, Canada |
Year: 1947 |
Publisher: Geo. W. James Series |
Type(s): Postcard |
Language: English |
Source: Mike Skreptak Collection; Gray Box |
Notes: c. 1947; the Cadillac was built in 1928 as a passenger ferry between Windsor and Detroit, as well as for excursions to Belle Isle and Boblo Island; in 1942 it was sold to the US Coast Guard, renamed Arrowwood and converted to an ice breaker; rebuilt in 1946 as a passenger vessel with its name restored to Cadillac; it travelled between Cleveland and Cedar Point, and Cleveland and Erieau; in 1952 it was sold, renamed Lady Hamilton, and ran between Hamilton and Port Dalhousie; 1958: it was tied to a dock in Hamilton and used as a restaurant; scrapped in 1962.
Subject(s): Cadillac (Ship) Ships Lake Erie Travel Arrowwood (Ship) Lady Hamilton (Ship) |
Place(s): Erieau (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: Leddy Library. University of Windsor |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 , Tiff Image 2 |