Automobile Stolen 2
Automobile Stolen 2 |
Year: 1931 |
Type(s): Ephemera Postcard |
Language: English |
Source: Mike Skreptak Collection; Ephemera Box |
Notes: Postmarked 1931; addressed to the Chief of Police, Port Stanley, Ontario; description of a car that was stolen in Windsor; "Dodge Sedan 1927, license no. Y-4185, serial no. A 790250, motor no. C 862250, dark blue body with natural wood wheels; "the above mentioned car was stolen from in front of Prince Edward School, Windsor, on March 27th 1931; the property of Mr. H. M. Parent, 215 Grove St., Windosr, Ont. Arrest anyone found in possession of same and notify the undersigned. Wire collect. M. S. Wigle, Chief Constable. Police Headquarters, Windsor, Ont., March 30th, 1931" |
Subject(s): Windsor Police Wigle, M. S., Chief of Windsor Police Automobiles Parent, H. M. Crime Bulletins Crimes |
Place(s): Windsor (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 , Tiff Image 2 |