Better Ideas Come From Ford. 1968 Mustang 2+2 Fastback.
Better Ideas Come From Ford. 1968 Mustang 2+2 Fastback. |
Year: 1968 |
Publisher: Creative Associates |
Type(s): Postcard |
Language: English |
Source: Mike Skreptak Collection; Box 1 |
Notes: c. 1968; back of card: Ask for Ken Goodwin at Pat Milliken Ford, Inc., 18303 Joy Road, Detroit, Michigan. 48228. LU 4-5100; taken from the Canadian side of the Detroit River?; the Ambassador Bridge has been altered slightly - perhaps a different bridge? |
Subject(s): Automobiles Ford Motor Company of Canada (Windsor) Ford Mustang (Car) Detroit River Ambassador Bridge (Windsor Detroit) Advertising Waterfront (Windsor) |
Place(s): Windsor (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 , Tiff Image 2 |