Lagoon Canal, Windsor, Canada
Lagoon Canal, Windsor, Canada |
Year: 1911 |
Publisher: Pugh Manufacturing Co. |
Type(s): Postcard |
Identifier(s): 731-11 |
Language: English |
Notes: Postmarked 1911; addressed to Miss Bertha Dennison; Lagoon Canal was also known as the Sandwich Canal; the Sandwich Canal was dug (in the 1880's?) from Russell Street, near the Sandwich Mineral Springs, to the Detroit River. It was used to ferry American tourists from Detroit to the hot springs. The springs became part of Lagoon Park which opened in 1902. Unfortunately, they ran dry shortly afterwards. |
Subject(s): Sandwich Canal Lagoon Park (Sandwich) Canals Parks Sandwich Mineral Springs Sailboats Canoeing |
Place(s): Sandwich (Ontario) Windsor (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 , Tiff Image 2 |