Sandwich Street Looking West, Windsor, Canada, 1907
Sandwich Street Looking West, Windsor, Canada, 1907 |
Year: 1907 |
Publisher: NCO |
Type(s): Postcard |
Identifier(s): A. 730. 229. |
Language: English |
Notes: c. 1907; addressed to Miss Viola? J. Myers; note that the Dominion Bank (S.W. corner of Sandwich Street and Ouellette Avenue, which opened in 1909, has not yet been built. It was built on the site of the second International Hotel. The Merchants Bank of Canada is on the northwest corner of Ouellette Avenue and Sandwich Street; on the south side a sign for Boug, Clothiers, is visible; probably published by Nerlich And Company |
Subject(s): Sandwich Street (Windsor) Ouellette Avenue (Windsor) Ferry Hill (Windsor) Banks Merchants Bank Of Canada (Windsor) Hotels International Hotel (Windsor) Boug, Walter, Clothier (Windsor) Commercial Buildings Stores |
Place(s): Windsor (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 , Tiff Image 2 |