Oulette Ave. Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1935
Oulette Ave. Looking South, Windsor, Ont., Canada, 1935 |
Year: 1935 |
Publisher: Windsor News Co. Ltd. |
Type(s): Postcard |
Identifier(s): 137730 |
Language: English |
Notes: c.1935; left, moving south from Sandwich Street: Canadian Bank of Commerce (southeast corner of Ouellette Avenue and Sandwich Street), BMG (Bartlet, MacDonald, And Gow), a department store, and the Smith Store, dry goods; right, moving south: the Dominion Bank, United Cigar Store, Dowlers Clothes, Laing's Drug Store, and, on the southwest corner of Pitt Street and Ouellette Avenue, the Dominion Public Building (now the Paul Martin Building); the Post Office was on the main floor. |
Subject(s): Ouellette Avenue (Windsor) Sandwich Street (Windsor) Pitt Street (Windsor) Canadian Bank Of Commerce (Windsor) Bartlet, MacDonald And Gow (Windsor) Smith, C. H., And Company (Windsor) Dominion Bank (Windsor) United Cigar Store (Windsor) Dowlers Clothes (Windsor) Dominion Public Building (Windsor) Post Office (Windsor), 1934 Commercial Buildings Banks Stores Government Buildings Ferry Hill (Windsor) Paul Martin Building (Windsor) |
Place(s): Windsor (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 , Tiff Image 2 |