1. Grinnell Brothers 2. Geo. R. White And Son 3. McLean Lumber Co. 4. Windsor Auto Sales Agency
1. Grinnell Brothers 2. Geo. R. White And Son 3. McLean Lumber Co. 4. Windsor Auto Sales Agency |
Creator(s): Gardner, H. W. |
Year: 1913 |
Publisher: The Evening Record (The Record Printing Co.) Limited |
Type(s): Photograph |
Language: English |
Source: Windsor Ontario 1913 Canada including Walkerville, Ford, Sandwich and Ojibway : an authentic compilation embracing in word and pictorial representation the growth and expansion of these municipalities / compiled by H. W. Gardner. Published: Windsor, Ontario : The Evening Record (The Record Printing Co.) Limited, 1913. Page 47 |
Notes: Grinnell Brothers Company: manufactured pianos and player-pianos; located at 10-12 Chatham Street West; George E. White And Son: supplied building materials, e.g. cement, sand, gravel, bricks, etc.; Manager (1913): White, H. A.; located at 8-14 Pitt Street West; McLean Lumber Company: operated a lumber yard and planing mill; produced wood products for fine interior finishing; for a brief history of the McLean Lumber Company, see the Windsor Evening Record, May 23rd, 1917, p. 24; located at 13-33 Albert Street; Windsor Auto Sales Company: located at 11 Pitt Street West. |
Subject(s): Grinnell Brothers Company, Pianos (Windsor) White, George E. And Son (Windsor) McLean Lumber Company (Windsor) Windsor Auto Sales Company (Windsor) Commercial Buildings Stores Car Dealerships White, H. A. Pitt Street (Windsor) Chatham Street (Windsor) Albert Street (Windsor) |
Place(s): Windsor (Ontario) |
Rights: Public Domain |
Repository: University of Windsor. Leddy Library |
Tiff Image(s): Click links to download Tiff images: Tiff Image 1 |